Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The dark underworld of Japan and as an "ally" of the US the Japanese are doomed

Editor's note: The following is a direct line-for-line translation from Japanese that has not been edited on the present circumstances in Japan where the media is heavily censored to the point the average Japanese has no concrete insights or ideas as to how the political circumstances really are within Japan's political structure within the framework of Japan being a US vassal state. It has always been claimed Japan is a "US ally" but that is subterfuge. Since the end of WWII Japan has been harvested with the Bank of Japan (BoJ) being under the control of the Federal Reserve. Japan has been "cannibalized and exploited" as an ally of the US. The US reversed its policy towards Japan forcing the country to reduce exporting finished manufactured goods and instead forced Japan to increase domestic demand. Any country in order to have a stable economy needs to import raw materials and then increase the value of manufactured products to offer markets. The BoJ is the agent of the US and the Federal Reserve used to control Japan. Japan is not a sovereign country. Not when more than 40,000 US military personnel are located in Japan. "It is fatal to be America's ally." - Henry Kissinger

It's very important.

Please forward this to all of you.

Please stop people from getting the replicon vaccine.

Please be prepared on that.

Representative of the Burdock Party. 

From Mr. Takushi Okuno

This is my last post.

For those of you who have been reading me for the past 8 years

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will delete this post two days after it is posted.

I will also delete all my previous posts.

I will no longer be able to write

The government will try to arrest me in combination with the conspiracy bill.

September 28th, the Replicon Vaccine will finally start!

Japan tested atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and now the world's first test of a bio-weapon!

Do we really need to hear the Japanese government's explanation for this?

The Worst Japanese Sexual Assault Case in History, Surpassing Epstein.

Even though over 1,000 minors were victimized in a closed room space.

Even though Johnny Kitagawa lost in court, there were no TV stations that covered it.

It's like North Korea!

Just like Takuro Morinaga, who is battling cancer, was accused of risking his life.

If you try to talk about Johnny Kitagawa's sexual proclivities on TV, you will be forced to leave the program.

Even if a number of underage youths fall under the poisonous fangs of sex offenders

The police and prosecutors in our country's judiciary completely ignore it.

Because Johnny Kitagawa and her sister Mary Kitagawa were CIA agents.

Do a search for "January 17, 2017 CIA." 

You can also read the CNN news story

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has released the names of its operations and agents over 50 years ago online!

The CIA itself released 13 million pages of behind-the-scenes facts about the war and the traitors involved.

One of the most famous Japanese traitors is Matsutaro Shouriki.

If you search for Matsutaro Shouriki, you will find his code name is PODAM.

In Japan, he is the owner of Yomiuri Shimbun and the owner of Nippon Television Network Corporation (NTV).

Founder of Nippon Television Network (Nittele)

He was the first chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission

He is the man who promoted and installed 52 nuclear reactors in our country in 47 prefectures.

An accident at a nuclear power plant can cause 50 to 80 times more damage than Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

Do you understand?

To make sure that Japan will never be turned against us again.

Shoriki Matsutaro, a CIA agent, was instrumental in installing these reactors. 

[Editor's note: "The CIA asset who proved so adept at pushing nuclear reactors into Japan was Matsutaro Shoriki. Shoriki began his career as a police commissioner in Tokyo skilled at assassinating communists and labour organisers. He was sacked for failing to prevent an attack on Crown Prince Hirohito but rebounded with enough wealthy backers to buy the Yomiuri Shimbun, which became Japan's largest newspaper, with a circulation of more than 14 million."]

And it's maintained by Magna BSP, an Israeli company.

Why not a Japanese company?

"Nuclear power is safe" is a lie!

The Yomiuri Shimbun, a CIA newspaper, launched the "Nuclear Power is Safe" campaign.

Hideki Yukawa, the first Japanese Nobel Prize winner, said. 

Hideki Yukawa, the first Japanese Nobel Prize winner, resigned from the Atomic Energy Commission in protest, saying, "You have to be careful on top of careful." 

Rikidozan's pro-wrestling broadcasts and Yomiuri Giants baseball broadcasts are broadcast by the CIA broadcaster NTV.

NTV (Nittele), a CIA broadcaster, has exclusively broadcast the live broadcasts.

NTV helped popularize black-and-white and color television.

They succeeded in getting people to install their own brainwashing devices (TVs) in their homes by paying for them themselves!

This was the role of Shoriki Matsutaro, the "father of the media," as an agent.

This is not what I am saying.

This is a fact that the CIA has disclosed and is documented in the U.S. archives.

Matsutaro Shoriki's role was taken over by Tsuneo Watanabe (Nabetsune), the current president of the Yomiuri Group.

When asked why Hollimon was arrested, you said on YouTube.

"Because I didn't say hello to Nabetsune." 

That's right.

There is no freedom of the press in Japan.

After the BBC in England picked up the issue of Johnny's, and the UN started an investigation.  

The Japanese TV industry started to slam the Japanese people at once.

Do you enjoy working for a TV station that cannot tell the truth?

Do you enjoy weakening Japan and trapping the people?

In Japan, the media that tell the truth. 

In fact, it is always a weekly magazine and a sports newspaper!

Famous rapper AK-69 said during his performance at the Nippon Budokan

AK-69, a famous rapper, gave a speech at Nippon Budokan saying, "It's crazy that they make children wear masks and give them vaccines." 

AK-69 was banned from the Nippon Budokan.

The first director of Nippon Budokan was Shotaro Shoriki (CIA agent)

It is not a sacred place!

The Nippon Budokan is a place to be.

Please search "general account FY2023." 

It says ¥114.3812 trillion yen, the largest ever.

"General account" refers to the national budget.

Last year was the largest budget in Japan's history.

The government's revenue, which is called "revenue," also exceeded ¥72 trillion yen last year, a record high.

In fact, it was the fourth consecutive year of record-high revenue.

The population is declining, yet the government's revenue is at an all-time high.

We are told on TV that taxes need to be raised because the country's kitchen is in dire straits, but the government's revenue is still at record highs even though the population is declining.

Please search for "special account, fiscal year 2023." 

It says ¥441.9 trillion yen.

There is a special account in addition to the general account, which is the government's operating budget.

Next, please search for "rice porridge in omoya." 

You can read the legendary speech of Finance Minister Shojuro Shiokawa to the Diet. 

In Japan, we are eating sukiyaki at home while we are eating porridge at the main house.

He was referring to the general account and the special account.

In our country, even if you are the Minister of Finance, you have no authority.

He is known for his sarcasm and legendary speeches.

Japan has two separate wallets, one for the general account and the other for the special account, making it difficult to understand.

We have been paying 30 to 35 trillion yen to the U.S. every year from the special account.

The bureaucrats and politicians who get fired for this will die for some reason!

The strongest U.S. military in the world is supported by the nation of Japan.

And Japan's Self-Defense Forces have a defense budget set by the US.

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces are forced to spend less than 1% of the GDP or 2% of the GDP.

Even if we are invaded by another country, our ammunition will last only a week.

Do you think the Japanese, the most diligent and serious people in the world, have a shoddy defense system that can only hold a week's worth of ammunition?

We cannot allow Japan to become stronger!

"If you resist, we will kill you." 

"If you don't listen to us, we'll kill you." 

"Tell the truth and you die." 

Japan is a democracy that is not a laughing matter.

We have no history, no traditions, no culture, no industry, and we need war to survive.

Even if there is a chance to give 30 trillion yen every year as a senior nation to the United States, which cannot survive without wars.

I don't want to call politicians who can't say "NO" to laws and policies that may destroy the country.

I don't want to call them politicians anymore.

When I was on Abema's election campaign special and had 66 million views on TikTok, there was an "awawa" in front of me.

I was in front of a former bureaucrat who was awww...

I couldn't talk to him because he didn't know what he was talking about.

And when I talk to politicians who think they're great

I try not to hurt their self-esteem by talking to them in an easy way, like talking to an elementary school student, but they just don't get it.

But I hate it when they don't understand what I'm saying.

I am only interested in people who can really act to protect Japan.

It is people, not parties, that I am interested in working with.

Fermented foods are under attack, starting with red yeast rice.

Since June, pickles have been required to have a business license.

Many pickled plum farmers will go out of business because of this change in the law.

Natto's Nattokinase was effective against coronavirus blood clots.

Human health is determined by the intestinal environment of the intestines, which are 7 to 9 meters long. 

Fermented foods are the key to growing good microbes in the gut!

Milk pasteurized at 130 degrees Celsius or vegetables submerged in a pond of bleach will kill microbes. 

Just like a YouTuber girl who eats a lot of food is skinny.

In fact, it is not the calorie count that is important, but the microorganisms that live in the intestines that are important!

Pickles that have been pasteurized like milk and dived into the bleach pond. 

It can no longer be called a fermented food.

It is easy to stop such a ridiculous law reform (attack)!

All you need is a majority of 233 of the 465 seats in the House of Representatives.

A coalition is fine.

Not by criticizing the party, not by attacking the other party over some discrepancy.

If 233 people who realize the truth join hands. 

We can stop this foolish policy of weakening Japan.

Only 233 people

But still 233 people

I turned my attention to Mayweather, who was imprisoned for striking a woman in the back of the head.

He was arrested eight times for beating a woman, despite being considered the strongest man in the world.

The late Mr. Harris was dragged around by Mayweather by the hair.

Mayweather grabbed her by the hair, dragged her around, and continuously beat her in the back of the head.

Security camera footage and testimony from children taken into police custody revealed that Mayweather grabbed the deceased Harris by the hair and dragged her across the room.

The prosecution is seeking 34 years.

Harris, who testified that her sister was killed by Mayweather.

Harris' brother, who testified that his sister was killed by Mayweather, is still missing.

It's a sordid tale.

I dropped a bouquet of flowers off at Mayweather's house... and got 500 million views in three days.

It's expected that people who are self-preserving in their minds will leave.

I think you can live your life forever worrying about what people think of you.

I like people who are willing to put their skin on the line for someone else.

Talking only about politics will not turn people away who are not interested in politics.

I was working hard to keep up my posts when the Corona vaccination for children under 12 years old started.

I kept posting because I wanted to gain influence and save as many children from the corona vaccine as possible.

I wanted to have influence to make a difference.

I wanted influence to get things done.

Our country is a rarity in that half of the electorate, 50 million people, do not vote.

The current Japanese system of single-seat constituencies means that only one person can pass in a district.

In other words, you can't beat the organized vote.

You can't win by fighting for a piece of the pie among the 50 million people who go to elections.

Look at the recent Tokyo gubernatorial election.

The media says it was "exciting," but when you open the lid, it's just Shinji Ishimaru and Renho.

The number of votes for Yuriko Koike was the sum of those for Shinji Ishimaru and Renho.

If it were a marathon race, Koike would have won by a landslide from the start.

It's not even close.

It's a calculated and obvious result.

So, we have to reach out to the 50 million people who don't vote.

You can't beat the organized vote by calling out only to those who go to the elections.

We need to awaken the 50 million people who are asleep.

We need to awaken the 50 million people who are sleeping.

They're the ones who are a little bit wild, but in fact they're a vertical society, polite, and they love their friends.

People who were bad in the past are now in important positions and have the power to run the organization.

A group where the word of seniors is absolute.

They are actually reassuring people who will not abandon their country and run away when something happens to Japan.

I bought many of the same jerseys and established the sunglasses character.

I tried to make the uniform easily recognizable no matter where I was.

A suit and tie will not catch their eyes.

It's no surprise, but there are far more people below 50 than there are above 65

There are far more people below 50 than those above 65!

All I have to do now is to be a clown myself and show them that I'm not afraid to do anything.

In June of 2022, I will make a speech in front of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building with Bob Sapp and Peter Art in tow, and I will wear the mask of the Blade of Demon's Destruction.

Wearing the mask of Oni-no-Baiden, I appeared on NHK's political broadcast.

In July 2022, I did an election special on Abema that got 66 million views.

And in September 2022, I threw a bouquet of flowers down to Mayweather.

I was invited to speak at the Republican Party of America's convention in Japan in October 2022.

In December 2022, I had a match with a famous professional wrestler, which was viewed by 1 million people on YouTube.

During this time, I collaborated (co-starred) with over 30 YouTubers and developed a variety of talk drawers

I prepared to appear in the recommendation function (recommendation) when I was talked about something

I appeared three times on popular YouTuber Hikaru's YouTube channel.

The total number of views exceeded 7 million.

And in August 2023, I appeared on a popular martial arts TV show with 30 million views by audition alone.

I fought a famous 100kg class delinquent with a tattoo on his face and won the fight in a wire net!

It even made the top 10 overall rankings on Yahoo!

I was so nervous that I was shaking with fear because it was my first experience.

Then, in November 2023, I entered the same martial arts tournament.

I was allowed to walk down the aisle of the Saitama Super Arena, which I had longed to do.

I had an accident in which my right ankle collapsed with a shattered fracture after fighting a popular fighter.

I can't even walk fast now, but I don't regret it one bit.

When I was in the hospital putting my broken leg back together

I was in so much pain that I cried and screamed like a baby.

But when I got back on my feet and fought to get back on my feet even though my leg was broken, they told me that my heart wasn't broken.

It was two years of rushing through the hospital.

Now if you watch two of my videos in a row on YouTube

I now have dozens of recommendations when you watch two of my videos in a row on YouTube.

All of this happened within two years.

I don't care what anyone says.

I have been taking concrete actions in my own way to protect the most wonderful country in the world!

Japan is now a country run by people with a deviation score of 65 or higher.

I believe that the time when this country will change is when people with a standard deviation of less than 50 realize this and become serious about it.

It is impossible for a country to be protected by people who turn a blind eye to the bullying of their friends.

I think I am looking in the right direction.

I have continued to reach out to people who are not interested in elections or politics.

When the replicon vaccine starts on September 28th.

This time we really need to avoid the three dens and keep distance. 

You can get infected by sweat and spit.

We need to avoid crowded trains and confined spaces.

It's the first experiment of its kind in the world, so it's hard to predict.

There will be a lot of people who are visibly ill.

In a clinical trial of 4,300 patients, 5 died during the trial period.

Japan is the first country in the world to start forced inoculation.

Normally, if the mice or rats die, the product will not be commercialized.

This is an extraordinary situation.

According to the revised Local Autonomy Law passed by the House of Councillors on June 19th.

The government can now order a lockdown.

Just as the Chinese government locked down the city of Wuhan during the last Corona. 

The problem is that it will limit logistics.

The problem is that it will restrict logistics.


If the shelves of 7-Eleven and Ito-Yokado were to become empty.

People will rush to buy up all the food they can get their hands on.

And there will be long lines before the stores open the next morning.

The government will tell people to stay in line, and food will be rationed.

"You need a replicon vaccine to get in line.

If you were told, "Replicon vaccines are free now!" 

A lot of people who are not well-informed will get the Replicon vaccine.

The meeting between Hu Jintao and Obama was once called a G2 meeting.

Last August, China and the oil-producing nations of the BRICS alliance, led by Russia, joined forces. 

"We are going to create our own economic zone." 

Remember when Iraq's Hussein said the same thing?

Two months later, he started the Gulf War.

668 fighter jets flew 1,000 sorties and bombed.

100 Tomahawk missiles were fired.

Over 300,000 civilians were slaughtered.

What do you buy oil for?

Dollars, right?

That's why the dollar is the key currency.

The rule in the West is to use force if you don't like it.

China and Russia are trying to create a new rule by forming a coalition with the oil-producing countries.

China is the biggest holder of U.S. Treasuries.

If China sells its bonds, the dollar economy will collapse. 

Japan is the bargaining chip between the G2.

"Shall I give you Japan?" 

But I don't want to give you a healthy Japan.

If China is going to take it anyway, we want to give it to them after we've dealt them a fatal blow.

That's what the zombie-infected replicon vaccine is for.

According to the current schedule, Japan will go to war with China in 2026 or 2027!

There are already plans to distribute 120,000 islanders, including Ishigaki and Miyako Island, to the seven prefectures of Kyushu.

There is a possibility of riots and looting due to lack of food. 

The Japanese government has strengthened the Riot Law and has been thoroughly beating the Yakuza. 

Kyushu has the potential to engage in a war with the Chinese army.

Kyushu's yakuza have been thoroughly suppressed. 

You can't rent a house, you can't stay in a hotel.

If you stay in a hotel under someone's name, you are guilty of fraud.

Stores are not allowed to let you in knowing you are a yakuza.

Even if you quit the yakuza, you can't open a bank account for 5 years. 

What in the world am I supposed to do?

Of course this is against the constitution, but the yakuza in Japan have no human rights.

They get their orders from above the Constitution.

"Destroy the Yakuza." 

Because when they attack Japan, they will take up arms and resist.

You may have 10 months to prepare to defend what is left of Japan.

I spent 30 million yen to open a social hall 10 years ago in a bar with only 6 tables and a floor space of only 15 tsubos.

If the members of the Liberal Democratic Party are pawns, it's to get along with the local masters of the prefectures in which they operate.

These are the prominent people who represent each prefecture, who cannot flee Japan if something happens to Japan.

We can't get to know them in one or two years, so we opened our doors 10 years ago.

We also paid attention to the "yan-cha" class.

Rather, among those who are said to be the dropouts of deviation education. 

I feel that the good old Japanese ism still remains. 

Calculation, profit and loss, irrational thinking.

Feelings and actions that do not abandon one's friends without merit. 

The feeling of not forgetting the debt of gratitude to those who have helped us.

A sense of duty and humanity that cannot be translated by the English dictionary. 

These are the reasons I turned my attention to the yankee crowd.

And the network in the nightlife district is actually amazing. 

Daytime gossip is only during lunch break

The gossip at night is all about the after five.

Even big presidents who are hard to meet can be easily met at night.

The nightlife network can easily transcend prefectures and cities.

There are many hot girls who value duty and gratitude.

Half of our country's population, or 50 million people, do not vote.

If those who don't vote go to the polls for the first time, they can actually be easily overturned!

One Last Time

If there is one last chance left to save our country

I'm going to show you one last time.

I will show you how I will stand up for my country.

A legendary fight that will be handed down to future generations.

I love Japanese judo.

A sense of beauty that extends to the way we win.

A foreigner in a stripped-down judogi and a loose obi.

In a kumite competition with movements like a table tennis player. 

Japanese Judo decides a beautiful, beautiful Nippon.

The global standard is "If you win, you win."

"If you don't get caught, you're safe."

"Exploit the gaps in the rules." 

The other day, Naoya Inoue's opponent was also a champion.

He stepped on Naoya Inoue's foot many times.

Naoya Inoue showed a tremendous difference in power.

I believe the Japanese have a great role to play.

I believe we have a great role to play. We have to score a beautiful nippon and win.

I'm going to defend Japan by focusing on how to win.

I have not given up at all.

I have been preparing for over 10 years.

Thank you very much for reading this for the past eight years.

This is my last post.

Mr. Takushi Okuno

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