Sunday, August 4, 2024

Britain is turning into a clusterfuck as political order breaks down

Editor's note: In a previous post it was suggested the wealthy class and the politicians they use cater to the working class to pacify them therefore insulating themelves from any potential retaliation. When the working class like what we are seeing in the UK become acutely aware of the social and financial injustices they cannot be predictable. This is why the current newly installed British PM Starmer has threatend to "bring rioters to their knees" calling them "anti-globalists" and "right wing." In reality, Stramer and Home Secretary Yvette Cooper despise the British working class. People like Cooper hate them. The wealthy privileged class in the UK continue to bring large numbers of immigrants into the UK and Ireland to further protect and insulate themselves. Mass migration is undermining the productive working class in Britain and Ireland. The British elite and their central bank overlords are insulating themselves from any coming retribution on them as the working class become increasingly aware of the injustices and massive inequalities in society. The UK and the US spend more time undermining stability on the world than they do at resolving their own domestic inequalities. The indigenous Anglo population in the UK are being replaced and these riots are the result. The British elite do not want British citizens assembling to protest (watch out for agent provocateurs) and will likely use disproportionate force on them.

It is too late as political order breaks down in Britian. As far as the British working class go the British government can bloody well piss off:

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