Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Russian military are now in counter terrorism operations in Kursk

Editor's note: The criminal regime in Kiev with western backing mostly from the US going into the Kursk region of Russia is terrorism. An attack on Russian civilians US Senator Lindsay Graham (US corporate executive represents weapon manufacturers) has no problems with. The psychopathic Graham has also called for retired NATO pilots to fly for Ukraine. The Ukrainian terrorists who went into the Kursk region also include American, French, Georgian, Polish and likely UK mercenaries who have been identified in video and images archived at South Front. Russian reserve units, Wagner PMCs and Chechen units have moved into Kursk to force the Ukrainian terrorists out who are deliberately targeting civilians. These are foreign fighters fighting on Russian soil along with convicts released from prisons in Ukraine in exchange for release. This demonstrates how desperate the US-backed criminal regime in Kiev are. The Ukrainian military have also deployed smoke munitions in Kursk provided by the US and Germany which are a type of chemical weapon. The two chemical compounds used in the smoke munitions can cause mild poisoning. NATO and the US have discarded all rules for conducting war by this incursion into the Kursk region including Ukrainian terrorists attacking the Zaporozhye NPP nuclear power plant to cause a fire. That's US-UK-NATO sponsored terrorism.

NATO and its Kiev proxy in last roll of the dice

By Finian Cunningham | August 13, 2024

The NATO NeoNazi regime in Kiev is going for broke, as its Third Reich forbears did during World War Two.

The NATO NeoNazi regime in Kiev is going for broke, as its Third Reich forbears did during World War Two. This time around, though, the fascists have a nuclear terrorist card to play.

As in the endgame of World War Two, the Nazi Wehrmacht tried to break out in Kursk as a way to divert from battlefield losses elsewhere on the crumbling Eastern Front. The gamble proved futile then and looks like repeating disastrously today. 

Vladimir Zelensky, the illegitimate puppet president of Ukraine, is out of troops and money. His insufferable begging routine for more weapons and money has become played out. His country is set to default on eye-watering debts to international creditors. Russia’s military advances in the Donbass – formerly eastern Ukraine now part of the Russian Federation – have succeeded in pushing the Kiev regime to the brink of collapse despite the latter receiving hundreds of billions of dollars worth of NATO weaponry. 

Zelensky, who is still clinging on to power nearly six months after he cancelled elections, senses the end is nigh for his corrupt regime and its war racket. With over 600,000 dead soldiers and remaining civilians hiding or fleeing in fear of conscription, the ex-comedian throws the dice with a few brigades despatched on a suicide cross-border raid on Russia's Kursk region.

"The Kursk maneuver could herald the end of Ukraine militarily," remarked Gustav Gressel, a former Austrian defense ministry official, in an interview with Der Spiegel.

Gressel suggested that the Ukrainian brigades represent the final reserves for the NATO-backed Kiev regime. Once they are wiped out by the superior Russian forces then there will be nothing left for the Kiev side.

The BBC reported – with an air of glee – that convoys of troops are heading from Ukraine's Sumy region across the border into Russia’s Kursk. The offensive has been going on for a week now, which Moscow says involves indiscriminate attacks on civilians and residential homes. The Kiev regime has said candidly that the objective is to "instill fear" among civilians. That's a brazen admission of terrorism.

If Kiev's other objective is to divert Russian forces from Donbass, that doesn’t seem to be working. Russian forces continue to make gains in the direction 0f Donbass – the main battlefield of this conflict.

So, what is the Zelensky junta playing at? It's a terror tantrum to try to show his NATO sponsors that their proxy regime is still worth backing. The wasting of Ukrainian military lives is a desperate "working off loans for his masters", as Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova put it.

Sending his people to die is Zelensky's attempt to show his regime is still "liquid". But it's a final act of desperation. When this futile foray into Kursk is spent then it's over.

As part of the final desperate act, the nuclear terrorism card is also being played – again.

While the incursion in Kursk is going on, the Ukrainian side has tried to attack the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant and the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. The ZNPP has come under constant shelling from the Armed Forces of Ukraine enabled with U.S.-made HIMARS missiles and other NATO weapons since Russia took over the civilian power plant – the largest in Europe – soon after the conflict erupted in February 2022. Russia took control at an earlier stage precisely because it anticipated that if it didn't, the Kiev regime would use it as a false flag provocation regardless of the radiological contamination of Europe.

In the latest strike, one of the cooling towers at the ZNPP was set on fire. Russia says the tower was hit by a drone. Moscow denounced what it called "nuclear terrorism" and it called on the international community to sanction Ukraine.

Please go to Strategic Culture Foundation to continue reading. 

Germany continues pumping equipment into Ukraine as Ukraine expects continued mass war casualties:

Rheinmetall to Deliver Additional Mobile Intensive Care Units to Ukraine

US weapon manufacturers are not going to stop arming European countries against Russia. The "deep state" however it is defined will never under any circumstances allow Russia to work with the west especially Germany in trade, commerce and diplomacy. Even if it means war for the next ten years. The entire western financial and economic system is based on the central banking model of war. There are no other options even if it means one million dead Ukrainian soldiers. 

If the US (Lockheed Martin) allows the criminal psychopaths in Ukraine to use ATACMS against Russian military assets deep inside Russia the only targets will be civilians. Russian military assets are too well protected.

США приватно обсуждают с Украиной использование ATACMS для ударов по России

There are no hard Russian military assets in the Kursk region so the only reason for the terrorists in Kiev to make this decision with US backing is to threaten and kill Russian civilians by the NATO-trained and led Ukrainian terrorists:

Fate of 2,000 people unknown in part of Kursk Region controlled by Ukrainian army

US and UK media sources all report Kursk was a success and are exaggerating the events that in most cases demonstrate are false, fabricated or outright propaganda to place Russia in a weaker position:

News on the destruction of the Ukrainian terrorists who went into Kursk on a suicide mission:

Here is a good look at the dead and captured Ukrainian terrorists who went into Kursk. Another 1,000 to 1,500 dead Ukrainians.

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