Wednesday, August 21, 2024

As far as a modern nation state is concerned...

Editor's note: ...Germany can be written off. The US-UK-NATO axis of fascist evil are responsible for the largest industrial act of terrorism to have taken place by sabotaging the Nord Stream Pipelines. The industrial terror attacks won't stop either as the US-UK-NATO-backed terrorists attacked a large oil refinery in Russia in this commercial proxy war. The Germans know who was responsible for the sabotage but as Dmitry Polyanskiy, the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations has stated, Germany refuses to cooperate. Russia's Foreign Minster Sergey Lavrov has been insisting Germany cooperate with Russia in the investigation stating Germany is deflecting blame. The UK-US represent the long history of the corporate fascist global power structure and this commercial proxy war on Russia including sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines is representative of the absolute extremes these corporate fascists in the west will go to in their commercial war on the world. Once the culprits are identified then it will be time for Lloyd's of London to pay up on a €400 million claim for damages.

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