Saturday, August 3, 2024

It's a Jewish thing at MSNBC and in Pennsylvania

Editor's note: What is going on in Pennsylvania where Donald Trump was allegedly shot at in an attempt on his life in Butler consistent with incomprehensible actions by the Secret Service (how Jewish is the USSS?), Kamala Harris (husband and handler Doug Emhoff is Jewish) apparently looking at Pennsylvania's Jewish governor Josh Shapiro to be her vice presidential running mate and MSNBC that is owned by Comcast headquartered in Philadelphia that is a private family business owned by the Jewish billionaire Brian Roberts who is Comcasts's chairman and CEO? Makes you wonder doesn't it? This story was sourced from MSNBC Deceptively Edited Joe Rogan Parsing Kamala Harris, Saying "She's Gonna Win" and when you get there be sure to read the backstory on MSNBC. 

Editor's note: Why would MSNBC run a controversial news header like this? Maybe a better question would be why do Americans pay any attention to MSNBC in the first place? MSNBC is owned by NBCUniversal that is a subsidiary of Comcast. Comcast is incorporated and headquartered in Philadelphia operating as "an American multinational telecommunications and media conglomerate." Conglomerate means Comcast had a net income of $15.11 billion in 2023 with estimated total assets worth $246.8 billion. Comcast is a private family business owned by the Jewish billionaire Brian Roberts who is Comcasts's chairman and CEO. Roberts' net worth is estimated to be around $2 billion with a cool roughly $36 million in yearly income.

Brian Roberts likely doesn't want Trump around and for good reason if we are to take Trump's calling Roberts' a "slime ball" seriously. NBC's Jewish Seth Meyers was brought up in a shareholders meeting when a shareholder referred to Meyers as a "professional presidential basher." Considering Comcast is headquartered in Philadelphia and likely has some fairly serious local clout, The Philadelphia Inquirer went after Trump blaming him for the "capitol attack." Local corporations including Roberts' Comcast all chimed in agreeing. This is "news" when everyone knows law has been weaponized against Jan 6th (the DoJ's narrative has been completely undermined) "protesters" who were set up by the FBI and then interpreted for Americans by MSNBC owned by a Jewish billionaire?

Source: modernity

Watch: MSNBC Declares America "Could Be A Dictatorship Next Year"

By Steve Watson | March 2024

Compares Biden screaming to FDR warning about Nazis

While previewing Joe Biden's 'jacked up' State of The Union address Thursday, an MSNBC talking head declared that if Biden doesn't win the election, the US "could be a dictatorship next year."

The network brought on 'presidential historian' Michael Beschloss, who compared the unhinged screaming Biden to FDR warning Americans about the rise of fascism. [Editor's note: Get real alright? Fascism is Jewish cryptic domination.]

Anchor Andrea Mitchell asked Beschloss "take a big picture, zoom out for us on what's at stake for [Biden] tonight," adding "You point to FDR's Four Freedoms speech in 1941, obviously war time, a bigger challenge, but let's, you know, talk about the challenges tonight."

Beschloss proclaimed "this is a real historical moment" adding, "We could be a dictatorship next year if Donald Trump is elected and carries through on his threats and carries through on his threats to suspend the Constitution. That's what's at stake."

He continued, "This is a year when we Americans have to choose whether we're going to live as a democracy, as a republic, or as an authoritarian system.'That's what FDR was doing in 1941, Nazis, fascists, Imperial Japanese were rampaging around the world, and he said 'you Americans have to choose '"

"This is a year when we Americans have to choose whether we’re going to live as a democracy, as a republic, or as an authoritarian system," Beschloss declared.


Please go to modernity to continue reading.

Maybe MSNBC's brainwashing operations are proving to be of no use any longer:


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