Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Battle for the Soul of the Nation - Battle of Ideas and Systems

Editor's note: If you watch this video it describes what is happening in America and in all western countries. Alissa Azar is from Syria. She is an outside foreign agitator. What does that mean? It means color revolution and she was trained by an NGO for this kind of social agitation. This is foreign agitation in the battle of ideas and systems. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was established in 1982 by actor Ronald Reagan. The purpose of NED was to engage in Project Democracy - a battle of ideas and systems. So there is now a color revolution taking place against both in America and Israel. When an NGO shows up at your doorstep talking about democracy you know your country has been targeted for destabilization. 

This is a Frontline Interview below with Nicolas Burns, Ambassador to China by Leslie Stahl that took place on June 12, 2024. At the 26:00 point roughly, Burns says that China is waging a competition of ideas - a battle of ideas. In order to better understand how these battles over ideas and systems come to fruition then erupt in countries like what we are seeing in America and in Israel, read the "Battle of Ideas and Systems" (asymmetric warfare). What we are facing is the complete and now almost total subversion of American thought and ideas to world communism best expressed through the British Nomenklatura assets Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in their "campaign of joy." Note carefully how the US is obsessed with Russia while China largely goes under their radar. Tim Walz is in the employ of China and this is why he has been moved into the position as a vice presidential candidate:

Why Walz in Minnesota? Because Minnesota being the "heart of America" was the first state targeted by the Chinese. The Kamala-Walz "Strength Through Joy" socialist forces (digital Bolsheviks) launched their corporate Bolshevik campaign at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where there was also gathered a powerful cadre of leftist militia forces intent on the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. This was revealed by the 53,411 foreign Antifa and over 21,034 domestic Antifa who are already gathering in the Chicago area. They probably already had pallets of bricks shipped in as they always make this look like a "people's war" (asymmetric warfare).  What we are seeing infold here through asymmetric warfare is the essential element being the "de-ideologicalization" of the nation-state. The nation-state suppressing their own people like what we are seeing happen in Britain but allowing the foreign outsider insurgency to operate. Ultimately, to understand how America is being transformed and subverted from within it is imperative to understand who rules; because often it is their ideas (American Bolsheviks) that are at the core of the subversion that is going on in America. The real question is not whether Kissinger and Nixon "opened China", but did China open America?

Many Japanese people are also facing similar circumstances in the battle of ideas and systems. Being an insular country Japan has run out of better ideas as China looks to be conquering Japan. What we are seeing take place in Japan that is being allowed by Japan's now thoroughly compromised leadership, are Chinese companies buying up large tracts of land and in this case close to Narita International Airport. Chinese companies will eventually buy up entire small cities. The translation from Japanese to English on this X post is: "Chinese residents only respond in Chinese when I speak to them in Japanese, and they are very guarded. Recently, there have been a few reports of burglaries here and there. A Chinese-owned company is buying 200 entire plots in a new town near Narita Airport in Chiba." There is a war on Japan too but the Japanese culture and people are too civilized, too polite and too smart to riot to oppose what is going on in their country. This "people's war" (asymmetric warfare) is a global war. They blind-sided us.


Battle of Ideas and Systems

By Vicky Davis | September 14, 2022

Don’t ever let it be said that America won the Cold War. We didn't. We lost. Why do I say that? You could start with the speech that Joe Biden just gave in front of a demonic background reminiscent of Nazi symbolism. He declared war on half of America. But it would be more accurate to say that the fact that we are battling for the heart and soul of America is a loss in itself even if we ultimately succeed at taking back our country. It will never be the same. It will take a century to undo the damage they’ve done.

We, the civilians have been fighting a war that we didn't even know was declared. It's an asymmetric war. The great game – Battle of Ideas and Systems began with an offer of a competition and the acceptance of the offer with radical environmentalism and the economy as the battlefield.
Battle for the Soul of the Nation:


Offer of a Challenge:

Competition of Ideas and Systems

Acceptance of the Challenge:

Gorbachev's New World Order Speech, 1988

As you listen to Mikhail Gorbachev’s New World Order speech, listen for him to set the terms of the competition (or you can read them) keeping in mind that the competition was not among nation-states. It was set up as a People's Competition – a People's War.

The following is the timeline for the set-up:

November 8, 1989 – Thatcher speech at the UN, proposes the IPCC to be located in the UK. In a paper on the IPCC website, History section, there is a report titled Response Strategies. Page 4 of the introduction is the following:
To accomplish these tasks in the most efficient and expeditious manner possible, the IPCC decided to establish three Working Groups to deal with each of the tasks identified above. The IPCC agreed that the three working groups, on science, impacts, and response strategies, would be chaired, respectively, by the United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and United States.
November 9, 1989 – Berlin Wall breached and East German troops guarding the wall were told to stand down. (Who was at the Wall that day? The KGB maybe?)

February 5, 1990 – George Bush: Remarks to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
You're called upon to deliver recommendations which strike a difficult and yet critical international bargain: a convergence between global environmental policy and global economic policy, a bargain where both perspectives benefit and neither is compromised.

Clearly, strong economies allow nations to fulfill the obligations of environmental stewardship. Where there is economic strength, such protection is possible. But where there is poverty, the competition for resources gets much tougher; stewardship suffers.
May 22, 1990, George Bush: Remarks to the Council of the Americas.
While from country to country conditions differ, we know now that our challenge is to consolidate democracy and accelerate development. That means advancing the intellectual revolution now sweeping Latin America, a movement away from stale statist doctrines; away from dictatorships of the right and the left; toward democracy, free government, free enterprise; toward the true political and economic empowerment of the people themselves.
Moscow Forum for Spiritual & Parliamentary Leaders, January 1990:

June 1, 1990 – George Bush: Remarks on Signing Soviet-United States Bilateral Agreements, notice reference to FDR – fifth agreement – maritime transportation.
In just a few moments, Secretary of State Baker and Foreign Minister Shevardnadze will also sign four important new agreements concerning maritime boundaries, ocean studies, civil aviation, and a long-term grains agreement. Minister Shevardnadze and Transportation Secretary Skinner will sign a fifth agreement on maritime transportation. President Gorbachev and I are also signing a commercial agreement and are looking forward to the passage of a Soviet emigration law.

. . . President Franklin D. Roosevelt half a century ago spoke of a world in which four essential freedoms will triumph: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. And this ideal has not yet been attained in the world, and it could not be attained in the world of animosity and confrontation. And therefore, while liberating the world from fear, we are making steps towards a new world; and this is the important work of our two nations, of our two peoples.

This video would have been produced sometime around 1990 because it mentions legislation in Congress that would have been the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991. It isn’t stated, but is implied by the program plan that the High Performance Computing Act of 1991 was an essential element to the paradigm shift in transportation systems. Notice that he mentions four freedoms in the Bill of Rights. This is an obvious implicit reference to FDR’s four freedoms – not the Bill of Rights. It’s very clever embedded messaging that the insiders would catch but the majority of people would not. Mobility as a fifth freedom connects Bush's remarks on the bilateral agreements with the transportation agenda.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

July 30, 1990 – 2nd APEC Ministerial Meeting in Singapore, statement by Secretary of State James Baker, 1990/AMM/017.

Remarks by The Honorable US Secretary of State James A. Baker III at the APEC Opening Session. Overview of World and Regional Developments - Singapore, 30 July 1990. From page 3:
"We have three aims for this Ministerial. First, we hope to give further impetus to the work program, including on the subject of transportation which we have proposed should be added to the program."
Russia is a Pacific nation – See Vladivostok.

Transportation Legislation:

On December 18, 1991, H.R. 2950, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 was signed by George H.W. Bush. This legislation was sponsored by Norm Mineta.

Legislation for Networked Communications Systems

On December 12, 1991, S.272, the High Performance Computing and Communications Act of 1991 was signed by George H.W. Bush. This legislation was sponsored by Al Gore.

 During the state visit of Mikhail S. Gorbachev, President of the USSR, at the invitation of George Bush, President of the United States, the two sides affirmed their serious concern about the health of the global environment, and their commitment to expand U.S.-Soviet cooperation in the field of environmental protection and the study of global change.

On other bilateral matters, they also pledged to facilitate contacts and cooperation between their respective non-governmental environmental organizations.
We, the American people were led to believe that the Soviet Union fell because they were bested by the capitalist economic system in the United States. What we know now is that all the international agreements that were signed across all administrations since the 1970’s were about harmonization of systems in preparation for global government. The result of this harmonization between the United States and the Soviet Union is a basterdized system of communism. The harmonized system is capitalist (fascist) led communism.
June 4, 1990Soviet-United States Joint Statement on Technical Economic Cooperation.

The two sides reiterated their commitment to the program of technical economic cooperation outlined by Presidents Bush and Gorbachev at Malta in December and expressed a desire to expand the scope and number of joint projects. This program is a concrete expression of U.S. and Soviet commitment to work together in support of economic perestroyka. Its goal is to advance the process of market-oriented economic reform by sharing experience and expertise regarding the problems and opportunities involved in building market structures and institutions.

Please go to Technocratic Tyranny to continue reading.

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