Thursday, March 6, 2025

The end of Europe

Editor's note: The little tiny men who are presently leading Europe are not men. They are fucking lunatics cucked by the more dominate females who run European countries. They fear Vladimir Putin because he is an alpha male who demonstrates he is not just threatening the idiots who run the west but will carry out their destruction in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin in a discussion the other day stated: "We are not going to retreat, and we will accept only those proposals which guarantee Russia's security for a historic perspective (duration)." Ukraine will only be resolved on Russia's terms. Many Ukrainians themselves are so tired of the psychopathic criminals in Kiev and this war they are now providing the Russian military with intelligence on targets in Ukraine. That likely included a hotel that was hit with a Russian missile yesterday killing a number of "foreigners" including French, American and British ("volunteers") mercenaries and NATO trainers. Europe and the British are facing a massive credit default and their ONLY way out is war. Evidence the Trump administration will crush the EU economies to prepare for war with China:


European Leaders Warn That Conscription Will Be Necessary As The EU Launches An $840 Billion Program To Prepare For War With Russia

March 6, 2025 | By End Times Headline

(OPINION) If you were drafted, would you willingly go to the killing fields of eastern Ukraine? What about your children?

The war in Ukraine has been an endless "meat grinder" that has already claimed hundreds of thousands of Russian lives and more than a million Ukrainian lives.

Audit the gold in Fort Knox and the Federal Reserve then seize the FED

Editor's note: Sound too drastic? Read on. Useful information as we move forward to make America better - again - without the Federal Reserve and the IRS. A snowball's chance in hell? If DOGE isn't allowed to go into the Federal Reserve then what's the point? Rep. Lee and Rep. Massie are reintroducing the bill to end the fed:

END THE FED: Congressman Thomas Massie and Senator Mike Lee Reintroduced Bills to Audit and Abolish The Federal Reserve Bank & END THE IRS

Understanding IRS Employee Categories: Statutory vs Non-Statutory

March 5, 2025 | By AIM

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) operates under legal mandates that outline certain employee categories required by statute, while others are established under general authority. Below, we break down these categories by work type, including job titles where possible, to address the statutory requirements and distinguish between mandatory and non-statutory employees.

We are publishing this to inform our highly-knowledgeable AIMCat audience that many, many more IRS employees can be terminated because they were established under 'general authority'. Think CHEVRON OVERREACH here. Employee categories inside the IRS that have not been created by STATUTE, rather through 'general authority' overreach, can be immediately dismissed.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Who and what is behind this epic Ukrainian clusterfuck...

Editor's note: ...with over one million dead Ukrainian soldiers? In this interview with General Michael Flynn he mentions Victoria Nuland (Nudelman) "being involved in the assassination attempt on President Trump." General Flynn believes the same people who tried to destroy him are the same people behind the assassination attempt on President Trump. General Flynn names Victoria Nuland as "having a lot at stake involving Ukraine" having been involved at least since 2014 probably much further back as tensions escalated. Victoria Nuland's ancestors on her paternal side came from Bessarabia, Ukraine south of Odessa so she has a personal stake and axe to grind against Russia for whatever personal reasons. The fact that Ukraine is one big money laundering operation can be confirmed by many different sources including at:

Head of Russian Duma Accuses Biden of Attempting to Assassinate President Trump, Putin, and Other World Leaders (VIDEO)

USS Carl Vinson shows up in South Korea...

Editor's note: ...where there are serious problems rapidly developing in South Korea with researchers there apparently releasing a "scientific bombshell — a massive gold-standard study of nine million people exposing the dark reality of COVID mRNA shots." South Korea has been owned by the US for 72 years with approximately 30,000 US military personnel in South Korea. It is bad enough those cute little South Korean K-pop boys attracting females from all over the East are a social engineering project, but 96 percent of South Koreans have received at least two doses of the mRNA shots—one of the highest rates in the world. It would appear the the USS Carl Vinson didn't show up in South Korea to intimidate North Korea, but to warn the local natives about getting uppity towards their US masters.

Rapidly moving towards singularity...

Editor's note: ...with the philosophy of Extropianism (Extropy) out of the Extropy Institute. For Extropianism to grow will require massive amounts of data to build the artificial intelligence (AI) required explaining why large data centers are being built. A philosophy of technology based on digital binary 1s and 0s? 

The founders of Bitcoin were transhumanists

There is Kash Patel receiving a standing ovation...

Editor's note:...up in the gallery listening to President Trump while looking down on a "treasure trove of scandals about to be brought to light." It can't be helped to think what rogue scoundrels down on the floor Kash Patel had a bead on? Think about that for a moment. A US congressman (who is entirely incorrect on Medicaid) who thinks he is Martin Luther King is asked to leave the congressional chamber for disrupting a presidential speech.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

There will be no DOGE peeking around into this operation

Editor's note: Want a war? Call up the war professionals at this wonk tank. How dark does it have to get before it gets really dark with the money? In this case the UAE partially funding wonk tank studies at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP). WINEP is a Washington-based, Middle-East focused wonk tank funded by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The heart and very core of the Neocon intellectual war operations center in America under the spell and shadow of Israel. All that we see unfolding around us on a geopolitical scale including Ukraine must be put into focus surrounding Israel as primacy. The US population has been the intense target of cognitive warfare concerning Israel. All the narratives related to Israel are under extremely tight controls through these wonk tanks like WINEP and AIPAC (see "AIPAC babysitter") and the media. It is all based on manipulation and perception of the public's consciousness. It is military grade psychological warfare hacking the minds of Americans concerning Israel projected through the media. It's the destruction of your mind (deception psychosis) for war and Israel through cognitive warfare that is the most advanced form of manipulation that exists today. The elephant in the room is about to stomp the shit out of us.

War plans continue despite...

Editor's note:...the shit show in Washington. While Trump and Zelensky the actor were putting on a big show (blowing smoke up Zelensky's ass) for world consumption, construction continues on the largest NATO base in Europe in Romania. Without the US and the UK NATO doesn't amount to a hill of beans. The Mihail Kogalniceanu base will include US and British military assets "watching over the Black Sea." Armstrong Economics seems to think this base will at some point be used to stage a larger conflict on Russia depriving Russia access to the Black Sea, retake Crimea and to "bankrupt Russia". If this assessment is correct it obviously would mean full scale war in Europe. This is why a US-sponsored color revolution (so much for defunding US NGOs) broke out in Romania. It was to make sure political circumstances are put in place to allow for the large expansion of the Mihail Kogalniceanu base in Romania on the Black Sea. If a "secret deal" is reached between Russia and the US will NATO's construction project threatening Russia continue? 

Romania To Host Largest NATO Military Base in Europe

March 21, 2024 | By Balkan Insight

Work has begun on expanding the Mihail Kogalniceanu base in Romania, transforming it into the largest NATO military base in Europe.

The military base at Mihail Kogqlniceanu, Constanta, southeast Romania, on the Black Sea coast, will become the largest NATO military base in Europe and will surpass the US military base in Ramstein, Germany, in size.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Russia and America forging new alliances is going to piss a lot of people off

Editor's note: Think back on all the political manure that was shoveled into Trump's wagon concerning Russia. Here is how it works with these people reflected in the differences between ex-President Clinton and President Trump. When Bill Clinton says he trusted Putin and they had a good relationship, Clinton is a political genius. When Donald Trump does the same exact thing he is a "Russian puppet." Trump is about to forge a new alliance between Russia and America. Enjoy the ride.

Leveraging pipelines

Editor's note: The Europeans have a centuries long pathological hatred of Russia so this news concerning the US might "activate the Nord Stream pipelines" is going to send Europe into collective shock. Are the US and Russia making strategic moves to counter China's massive acceleration into all areas of technology, space, energy and manufacturing? There was credible evidence provided the British were partly behind the largest industrial act of terrorism up until that time sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines. If the British were behind blowing up the pipelines take a step back and imagine how the British are going to react to this news of US investors planning on activating the Nord Stream gas pipelines?

US may launch Nord Stream 2 – FT

The gas pipeline between Russia and Germany is reportedly seen as leverage in Ukraine peace talks

March 3, 2025 | By RT

US investors are backing a plan to activate Russia's Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline, the Financial Times has reported, citing sources. The conduit between Russia and Germany, which was never put into operation, may now serve as leverage in the ongoing Ukraine peace talks, the publication has suggested.

Put your seatbelts on tight because here comes China

Editor's note: A sobering look at China's future and what it means for Japan and the rest of the world. The Charlie Rose interview below took place on October 23, 2009. China is ready to "rock 'n roll."

Why Chinese models are stunning Americans in the tech catwalk

Hollywood at its best for the Pentagon

Editor's note: Hollywood needs to be flushed down the toilet. Why Americans continue to dysfunctionally fixate on these people is beyond comprehension. Responsible Statecraft (apparently "credentialed amateurs") used an image with George Clooney on the right holding an Oscar. Circumstances are becoming so bizarre and weird including recent allegations George Clooney was taped raping Justin Bieber revealed in some Diddy videos released. Are these people that arrogant or are they just that stupid to allow themselves to be video taped? If anyone needs to understand better why "the Oscars suck", by all means have a read through this latest:

Why The Oscars Suck - No Truth

And the Oscar goes to ... the Pentagon!

Can you feel it? At least one-third of blockbuster films substantially featuring the military were likely produced with DoD support

By Ashley Gate | February 28, 2025

This Sunday millions will tune in to watch Hollywood's premier awards ceremony, the Oscars. All eyes will be on the red carpet to see who is wearing what and viewers will be anxiously waiting to see if any drama unfolds–like a Will Smith slap or accidentally awarding the Best Picture Oscar to the wrong film. What won't be mentioned is the fact that many of the movies vying for Oscar wins wouldn't have made it to the big screen without help from the U.S. military.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

"General LeMay, how do you like my Laurel Canyon disguise?"

Editor's note: Isn't this great. Now that we pretty much understand the Sharon Tate murder was a staged event, we now learn Charles Manson was a CIA asset tasked with going to the Mamas & the Papas nude pool parties while getting plutonium-laced LSD into the 1960s rock & roll scene compliments of certain generals at the Pentagon. Roman Polanski was of course the husband of Sharon Tate with Polanski working with Manson "doping the anti-war war music scene with LSD." In 1977, Polanski was arrested for drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl. General Curtis LeMay working with the RAND Corp. seeding America with Project CHAOS. US corporate generals in service to corporations "protecting and defending America" while burning down (mass incendiary bombardment) entire cities in Japan consisting of mostly wooden buildings with LeMay's "Strategic Air Command" (now they are armed with directed energy weapons). We've come full circle haven't we? The Pentagon at war with America from LeMay (a war criminal and psychopath) to the present DoD-sponsored Covid attack.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Graham shows us what a politician does...

Editor's note: these two video clips juxtaposed of Senator Lindsey Graham we see the first clip of Graham agreeing with President Trump on Ukraine with Zelensky at the White House getting rebuked. Graham was all charm with Zelensky on Graham's eight visits to Kiev feeding Ukraine with US weapons under Biden. Graham stated, "there can be no backing off of helping Ukraine because if we fail here we will fail in Taiwan." Now Graham completely flips on Zelensky and Ukraine. What caused him to flip like the slippery politician he is after publicly stating: "Killing Russians is the best money we've ever spent?" Graham even called for the assassination of Russia's Vladimir Putin. Sorry to inform you Graham, but it is turning out to be a lot of dead Ukrainians. That from Graham when President Trump now states, "the claims against Ukraine could grow to over $1 trillion." Graham greets Zelensky with a big hug on his visits to Ukraine. Imagine Graham holding a dagger and stabbing it in Zelensky's back because that is what he just did. Not that it makes any difference as to Zelensky's world status that just dropped through the floor - except for the British and the French.

Meet Senator Scumbag

Editor's note: This obvious ethics violation by Senator Whitehouse (D-RI) has been around since last year March, 2024 and is being brought up again. There is now a call by the Senate Select Committee on Ethics for a full investigation into potential ethics violations tied to Whitehouse abusing his office to benefit himself and his wife. The senator is suspected of helping his wife rake in millions for her nonprofit. It is being reported Whitehouse's wife has been paid nearly $2.7 million while her group raked in over $14.2 million in federal grants—funded by bills Whitehouse voted for. This guy has so many complaints against him it is not even funny. Yet he remains on a government salary. This hearing turned out to be completely disingenuous and incorrect as to Whitehouse's motive.

Sheldon Whitehouse Subject of Scathing Ethics Complaint

Looking into our circumstances...