Monday, August 19, 2024

Boycott the DNC in Chicago - #Walkaway

Editor's note: Why not instead vote for yourself and #Walkaway? Don't go to Chicago. Leave the place empty during the DNC as Americans now clearly understand how they are being manipulated by the two political party system in the central bank and corporate controlled US. Divide and conquer: Who are you going to vote for, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? Why are you participating in this system? Why are you patronizing it? Use AI in a creative way like this clip exposing the uniparty system. Why would you participate knowingly in a death cult system? They've turned America into a wasteland of woke collective insanity...

6 Years Later: Why I Still #Walkaway From the Democratic Party

August 19, 2024 | by Brandon Straka (Source)

On May 26, 2018, Brandon Straka shared a video about why he was walking away from the Democrat Party. That video went viral and launched the #WalkAway Campaign, a movement that led to hundreds of thousands of people sharing their own stories and videos of walking away from liberalism and the political left.

Now, 6 years later, Brandon follows up his original video with the first ever "sequel" to it. In this new video, Brandon states in rapid fire succession all that the left has done to erode and destroy our culture, our country, our values, and our freedom.

From the left's war on reality, to their presumed ownership of minorities, to bringing authoritarianism to America, to weaponizing our justice system… this video speaks to all of it and then some.



Once upon a time, I was a Liberal. But you already know that. Six years ago, I proclaimed that I was no longer a Liberal, and told all the reasons why.

But I had no idea how much worse things were about to get. The left is no longer simply intolerant, inflexible, illogical, un-American, and misinformed. In the last six years, they have devolved into malicious, corrupt, perverse, sadistic, ruthless, oppressive, and borderline-authoritarian behavior and rhetoric.

Liberalism has been devoured by Leftism. And Leftism is just hatred and destruction, marketed as "Virtue". For years now, we have watched as the Left has embarked on an intentional and methodical endeavor to radically upend American Life.

They pushed for every policy objective that would increase crime and disunity, while destroying our economic system, our justice and morality, our right to defend our border, and our right to defend ourselves. Today, the ultimate goal of the Democrats is more power, more control.

In an effort to destabilize and divide our society, the Left has waged a war on reality, chipping away at our common perception of what is true and what is false.

They’ll accuse you of doing everything that they do, and being everything that they are. They'll say that "You're in cult", while they bow down, in unison and worship their false idols. They'll say that "You're violent", while they burn America to the ground.

That "You're lawless", while they de-fund the police and release dangerous Repeat Offenders into society. They'll say that you're the "Nazi", while they lead anti-Semitic tirades from coast-to-coast. That you’re the “Fascist”, while they weaponize the Federal Government against their political opponents.

That you are "un-American", while they burn our flag, kneel for our anthem, and rip our Constitution to shreds.

They've created a blatantly-hypocritical and overtly dishonest moral structure, feigning outrage over the "sins" of their opponents, while flagrantly ignoring, excusing, and enabling the hateful and dangerous behaviors of their own side.

They'll criminalize your right to defend yourself, while making martyrs out of attackers.

They'll provide sanctuary for illegal migrants, but surveil American Citizens they fear are "too patriotic".

And in the left's abusive, false reality, you are the "Dangerous Threat to Democracy", as they employ every trick and scheme to remove their political opponents off the ballot.

You are a "Racist" – and if you don't acknowledge your racism and inherent bigotry, that's proof that what they say about you is true.

In the Left's reality, there's no such thing as gender – yet gender identity is the most important thing in the world.

"This is the most secure election in history".

"This is a woman".

And this is a "Mostly peaceful protest" but this is an "Insurrection".

To capitalize on the Left's deceitful, False Reality, the Democrats have ushered-in a whole new era of racism, sexism, and discrimination, deceptively presenting these new ideas as "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion".

The party that dishonestly takes credit for the advancement of Civil Rights now openly advocates for prejudice, segregation, and denial of opportunities, based on skin color and gender, making skill, merit, and safety secondary; prioritizing diversity quotas over capability.

Please go to forbiddenknowledgetv to continue reading.

The maniacs and psychopaths have turned America into a god damn wasteland:

Get on the magic bus and get out...

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