Thursday, August 29, 2024

Residents will not survive the Bolshevik state of California

Editor's note: If you live in California leave. Just get out. The borders are open and there is nothing stopping you. There is no hope at this point for California educationally for your children, to run a business, trying to survive financial and economic hardship with penalizing taxes including a possible federal property tax with increasing crime and mass migration moving into the Bolshevik-run state of California. Why the focus on California? Because California of all the blue states is conquered corporate Bolshevik territory under the Nomenklatura Newsom

California Senate Passes Bill to Give Illegal Immigrants Money to Buy Homes, But Government Points Out a Problem



First published August 28, 2024

As I expected, I have already had readers complaining about my advice to go off-grid, to the extent of not registering the births of your children. People are horrified by this suggestion, though they should know it has already been done successfully by many here in the States—though, no, I will not name any names or give you any contact information so that you can interview them for their experiences. That would sort of spoil the whole thing, wouldn't it? These people have done this because they are smart, and smart people who have gone underground don't suddenly start giving interviews, do they?

Anyway, one reader said that if you don't register births your kids will never be normal. Another said they won't later be able to get medicare, social security, etc. Without social security numbers they may not be able to get bank accounts or good jobs.

To answer this, I will let you interview me, hypothetically. I don't have any kids that can be vaccinated or taken away from me by CPS, so I am free to tell you what I think and why I think it, with little fear of repercussions. To start with, no one should want to be normal anymore, since normal now means obese, diabetic, and cancerous. It means ignorant and propagandized. It means entangled in illogical laws and controlled by fear. It means bluffed by lies and buffaloed by fake events. I never wanted to be normal, and I want it now less than I ever did. I have no desire to be like the average Modern citizen, living in a small box of miseducation and false fear. Since I don't want it for myself I wouldn't wish it on my children. I wouldn't want them sitting all day in ugly poisoned schools saluting flags and eating garbage food and cheering for sports teams and playing video games. I wouldn't want them subjected to shooter drills or nuclear drills or DEI programs or mixed bathrooms or drag queen story hours. I wouldn't want them married to their phones, regurgitating the latest Tiktok meme, youtube video, or Taylor Swift song. I wouldn't want them hypersexualized by the time they are eight, the girls wearing next to nothing—their asses hanging out all the time—and the boys turned into little pimps or little mice. On the other hand, I don't want them encouraged to be gay or sexless. I just want the schools and media to leave them alone in that regard.

So in my opinion, no rational person would want their kids to be normal anymore, since that is what it is to be normal. Normal kids (and adults) are obnoxious, ignorant, fat*, and at the same time both spoiled and traumatized: spoiled by their parents and traumatized by the media. If that is what you want for your children, then by all means be sure they are normal. That way they can grow up into adults that are PTSD (or not really "post", since the trauma is never-ending), fat, lazy, entitled, gullible, myopic, and riddled with diseases. They can be permanently captured by the medical industry in a cycle of ever-increasing drugs, and captured by the food industry in a hundred unbreakable addictions.

Or you can go off-grid and go cold turkey on all of that. But it is very hard to do that halfway, since any foot in the pool tends to wake up the sharks. You are soon pulled in and dragged to the deep end. That is especially true with kids, since the sharks get you through your kids. You don't have to put a foot in the pool yourself: it is enough that one kid puts his foot in the pool and the sharks have the whole family for lunch. The shark grabs him, he grabs you, and the whole family is underwater.

We have seen the government getting more aggressive every year, so if you want to avoid the stormtroopers you had better start planning now. I expect that very soon you may wish your parents hadn't registered you. I have stayed off the government radar not by anonymity or going underground, but simply by having nothing they want and having no levers they can use against me. I have no employer, no family, no house, and almost no bank account. I have no IRA, no insurance, no doctor, and no hospital. I have nothing they could repossess, since I am not paying for anything on time. I don't fear bankruptcy since I have always been effectively bankrupt. You may think that all sounds terrible, but it isn't. It is great. I am laughing as I type it, because it means I am free. I have no toe in the pool, and I would eat those sharks anyway. They see my toes and swim off.

You will say you can't do that because you have or want to have kids. Great, I am not saying you shouldn't have kids. I am saying you should, but you need to get serious about protecting your kids. There is a solution to every problem, you just have to use your noggin. As far as schools go, if you don't want to or can't homeschool, there are other options. The Amish don't homeschool, they have their own schools. Start your own school with your friends and neighbors or marry an Amish woman and enroll your kids in her schools. Most Amish aren't totally off the grid. I assume they register their kids. So interview one of them. They will get you in most of the way there, since they have been doing this for centuries. Why do you think the government is constantly black washing them and telling lies about them? Precisely for this reason: they don't want you to get any ideas. A tour of an Amish town will tell you exactly how easy it is to do this. In fact, it is far easier than NOT doing it, as we are coming to realize.

I believe most Amish do not vaccinate, though I am not sure how they walk around the requirement. I suppose the states they live in accommodate them, for religious or other reasons. If those states accommodate them they would have to accommodate you, according to the equal protection clause in the Constitution. If you live in a State like California that doesn't accommodate that or anything else, move to one that does: the state borders are all open, you know, and nothing is stopping you.

The problem is, if a large number of people start doing this, the Feds will no doubt start cracking down, at which point you may wish you had never registered those kids. Hence my recommendation. You will say you can't run from the government forever, they will eventually catch up with you. Possibly, but remember you don't have to run forever. We are talking about protecting your kids for a few years while they are young. The vaccine schedule is mostly done by age 6, so if you can shield them for that long it will already be done. You will have already saved them from a mountain of harm. And if you can shield them until age 16, say, you don't even have to worry about CPS anymore. They can't take your kids from you if they are already gone or already grown up.

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As far as your children are concerned:


Fleeing California...

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