Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Censorship Industrial Complex makes its move

Editor's note: In order to take control over and shut down all communications about the events unfolding in this UK-US-NATO proxy war against Russia using Ukraine, the US State Department, the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies have now gone after Telegram. US authorities had French authorities arrest Telegram Founder/CEO, Pavel Durov. The US policy planners and people responsible for waging a proxy war against Russia are losing the cyber war on Telegram. Think about this censorship for a moment where the US can have anyone arrested at its will considering the previous discussion on the central banks and commercial banks being linked to intelligence agencies to control blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies?

News update for 27 August 2024EU to Telegram - We're coming to get you 

Censorship Industrial Complex Expert Mike Benz Explains Telegram's CEO's Arrest

August 25, 2024 | By Forbidden Knowledge

Mike Benz, founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online is a former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters. Benz has done a great service to this country and to the world in exposing the Censorship Industrial Complex.

He was on a Twitter Spaces on Saturday, with Kim Dotcom, Andrew Tate and others, discussing the arrest of Telegram Founder/CEO, Pavel Durov in France earlier in the day.

He says he was kicked off the Space before he got to say his piece, so he fired-up his cellphone, while at the airport in Austin, Texas to give his take on what is going on in the arrest of the Telegram CEO.

Telegram is a Russian platform and it has therefore not been subject to the relentless censorship that US Government agencies and those of other Western nations have recently turned into their top priorities – and growth industries.

This is not to say that the Russian government doesn't censor their own people. It is claimed that Russians are among the most censored populace in the world – but I can't say anything bad about them, because I might have to move there, if Kabala is installed as POTUS.

I'm not certain of the accuracy of this visualization, based on my own personal experience but that could because I am spoiled, having lived in America for most of my life during a relatively uncensored period.

Pavel Durov had recently appeared on Tucker Carlson's show to talk about how the FBI had tried to infiltrate Telegram in order to install backdoors, so that they could collect all of their data and spy on anti-Globalists dissidents and the like.

After the successive debacles of the 2024 Paris Olympics and the 2024 DNC Convention in Chicago, the Globalists can't have people sharing clips and telling jokes about how sick and disgusting these people are.

Remember how the French government claimed copyright strikes against those sharing clips from the opening ceremonies of the Olympics? Aren't the Olympics supposed to be a major publicity event, promoting the Host Country? Wasn't everybody supposed to fall in love with France and share images of the events? Isn't that what the Olympics are largely about? How insane and out-of-touch are these morons?

Anyway, the subverted/perverted French government arrested the Telegram CEO when Durov's private plane landed in Paris on Saturday.

Ars Tecnica is reporting that his arrest due to "a near-total lack of moderation" on the platform, allowing crime to proliferate – crimes, of which the French Government is now planning to charge Durov as an accomplice.

It's a little more complex than this, as Mike Benz explains, below. Mike Benz is my power animal. He is another great hero to emerge during the current information war.

Please go to Forbidden Knowledge for more.

News update for 27 August 2024:

Why was Telegram Founder/CEO, Pavel Durov arrested? Apparently, to coerce the Telegram CEO to provide confidential information on Russian citizens who are domiciled both in Russia and abroad, especially those who are militarily associated with the war in Ukraine:

Top Russian MP urges France to release Telegram founder

Here's another journalist arrested by the British:

'Can't Make This Up': Journalist Arrested Under UK Anti-Terror Law Hours After Criticizing It

Welcome to America. Can wee see your passport please, and what are your political views?

Thinking of leaving for Russia? Now might be a good time. Take your skills, your abilities, your education and if you have children, to Russia:

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