Thursday, August 1, 2024

Another hearing, another probe, another inquiry...

Editor's note: ...blah, blah, blah. Here are US corporation executives in a congressional hearing with the federally subcontracted Secret Service (the Secret Service is an Agency Contractor; British) corporation head to determine where the security failures took place in the attempted assassination of a former US corporation president and who was responsible. As with all corporations no individual will ever be held responsible or accountable. The momentum of unwieldy and massively budgeted bureaucracies inevitably state "changes are being made" - problem solved. That's just the reality of large bureaucracies. Most have figured out by now the alleged murder attempt of a previous US president was an elaborately staged political event to gain advantages for whatever factions were involved including the US military. What you see occuring in this hearing is political boiler plate corporate showmanship because in the end there is no accountablity. Take a close look at these corporate executives and US federal employees in this "shooting probe" hearing and estimate what their combined total federal salaries are for one year? Does anyone seriously think they are going to rat each other out? WARNING: You are now entering the world of political ponerology, which is the science of studying evil in political systems.

"Epic and iconic photographs" and whizzing bullets

The Secret Service (SS) came under the US Treasury until it was transferred under the responsibility of the DHS. The SS is a British agency contractor and Kamala Harris is a British asset:

Kamala Harris Is Hiding Something Big Involving January 6, Pipe Bombs, and the Secret Service

Killed by the Praetorian Guard

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