Tuesday, August 27, 2024

How did we go from Moses and a god damn burning bush to an extortion racket?

Editor's note: When Jews do bad things they do bad things very well. This story was sourced from: Israel caught red-handed in an extortion scheme against the father of a former Florida Senate President and in a sex trafficking frame-up of a sitting U.S. congressman and……. It never ends does it? Our grandchildren and their children are going to be exposed to "holocaust survivors" for the next 100 years. "Holocaust survivors" never die. They keep getting replenished decade after decade. They are like rechargeable batteries. 

Who's intelligence asset is Hannity?

The US congress and senate work for and represent Israel:

Where the fuck is the Messiah?

America has pretty much been gutted after being harvested:

AIPAC manages US congress and senate members. If you step out of line on Israel you will be politically destroyed, or worse:

Jewish organizations get priority funding while whites are continuously battered in their own country:


It's almost as if Israel controls the Pentagon and the US Treasury which might not be too far from the truth:

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