Saturday, August 17, 2024

It's amazing what the hell comes out of a burning bush....

Editor's note: Jews the law through Moses. If more sensible people at the time listened to Moses after he spoke with a burning shrub, they probably would have told Moses to go screw himself. Triggered in Tokyo but then what do you expect from centuries of praying to their racist, bloodthirsty, murderous, hateful God of war Yahweh with this Old Testament narrative being entirely false? Jewish rabbis cobbled this shit together from Babylonian texts and concocted their religion. How toxic does it have to get? At the hands of Elohim sacrificing children cutting the end of their dicks off. Then we witness shit like this in Tokyo? More Abrahamic insanity erupts in Tokyo - and they are guests in a foreign country forgetting to check their fucked up eschatology at the airport when they arrived.

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