Monday, August 12, 2024

The face of corporate communism

Editor's note: Are you a subject slave citizen burdened with surety for the debt as a birth certified debt/tax slave fictitious corporate entity using a form of currency you don't own, you didn't create and have no control over private central banks that create this money? The imperial British corporate fascist model uses Marxism and communism that originated in London with the Radhanite fake "Jewish" pagan usury and debt slavery merchant-banker pilgrims to bring you into a fictitious corporate existence all controlled by the British Pilgrims Society and its counterpart in America the Pilgrims of the United States. The intense censorship is now strangling the entire world community of countries. The UK PM Keir Starmer is a communist. Communism is the preferred method of control by corporations with central banking backing. London calling...the clash...

London Calling: Police Chief Threatens To Arrest People Around The World For Online Speech

This is why Kamala Harris is a British asset and a Bolshevik Nomenklatura for the British:

A far-left immigration activist – who advised British Labour - is advising Kamala Harris.

No they won't.

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