Sunday, August 25, 2024

UK-US-NATO terrorists continue their terror war on Russia

Editor's note: The great sea power Britain in its 200 year long war against the great land power Russia devolves into drone and missile exchanges. The UK-US-NATO-directed terrorist proxy military in Ukraine just flew a drone into a non-military civilian target deep inside Russia. This story was sourced from: Ukrainian drones strike apartment blocks deep inside Russia (VIDEOS). A video posted on Telegram (Telegram is under major assault) at the RT news site shows the moment a Ukrainian-directed drone hit a 38-story apartment building in Saratov, a city of 950,000 people in western Russia. NATO has no real strategy to fight Russia so the only thing NATO can resort to are indiscriminate terrorist attacks on Russia. Most of the Ukrainian launched drones were shot down by Russian air defenses but apparently, several got through including this one. The NATO terrorists are doing everything they can including targeting and killing Russian civilians to provoke Russia into a far larger war. Shortly after this UK-US-NATO-directed attack on Russian civilian infrastructure, Russia launched one of its most intense missile strikes on Ukrainian territory.  And now that Russian ISR has located the F16s dropped into Ukraine it won't be long before they are targeted and destroyed.

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