Friday, August 2, 2024

Place a Bolshevik in the middle of a Venn Diagram and what do you get?

Editor's note: The first thing that comes to mind with Kamala Harris is that she is a British central banking asset. As it turns out, Harris is the great great granddaughter of Col. Hamilton Brown, a British slave trader, banker and attorney who set up the offshore banking system in Jamaica for Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Now start piecing together Harris' present vetted position as a possible president of the US corporation with her Bolshevik training. Communism was spawned out of the pirate City of London. Harris sees herself as being special and only recognizes other "special" people. The wealthy mostly Jewish oligarchs. She sees people outside of her group as vile and disgusting. The internet has given people of "low status" the ability to monitor this wealthy class (see USA as I knew it has passed into the trash bin of history). As societies have become more complex it has become easier for the wealthy class, namely central bankers, to hoard resources. Harris can pretend to be giving status to lower class (British term) working people to give her unearned power. That way her class can protect themselves when the lower classes become acutely aware of the injustices. This is precisely what we are seeing in the UK with the recent riots. The wealthy privileged class bring in migrants to further protect and insulate themselves when mass migration undermines the productive working class. This is exactly what Bolsheviks like Harris have done. Harris talks about all this Venn diagram morality bullshit when she does not actually mean it. Harris and the banking class are insulating themselves from any coming retribution on them for the massive inequalities in society.

Kamala Harris and Her Human Trafficking Family History

Judge Joe Brown: "Like Ho, what did you just say?" 

Yes, it's an incredible day alright. It will be even more incredible when these two disappear from America's archived history:

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