Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Battle lines are being drawn...

Editor's note: the UK is about to erupt into all out violence. This has all been planned out and scripted including the deranged lunatic (Israeli assets are lurking everywhere) who stabbed three little girls to death in Britain. If this woman is correct the British need to prepare themselves for some serious shit about to go down in the UK that is going to lead to all out violence. This is another PSYOP organized by central bankers in their war against humanity. As circumstances are intensifying in the Middle East we can expect an all out war against Islam. We are being set up for this coming kill off by "a thousand cuts." The US regime in obedience to Israel is removing dissidents and activists sending the US secret political police after people like Scott Ritter to shut down all opposition. There was a very good question raised about men in America. Where are they? They are all plugged into the clown show. What will American "men" do? They will succumb to a draft like docile sacrificial lambs to go kill people in the Middle East. The US military has been a British foreign-owned corporate mercenary military wreaking havoc domestically and internationally since the 1860s, with most patriotically programmed grunts blissfully unaware of this fact.

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