Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Are you beginning to understand this is more than a pandemic and vaccines?

Editor's note: This is the result of your healthcare being turned over to the DoD: Weaponized healthcare (see "Permanent Kill Box"). Those who were Covid injected during the "Covid war" have absolutely no idea what the ingredients and components were loaded into the syringes. What we are seeing here is "public health being militarized." They allowed themselves to be fully injected based solely on belief. It was a religious experience and is leading to so many deaths some funeral homes are overwhelmed. What are we witnessing here? The creation of a global government where all people intermingle and breed and become one people ruled by a racially pure Jewish race? Is that even conceivable? Are they using singularity technologies to get the job done? They (see Who Is THEY?) sincerely believe under their rule "all human conflict will cease because there will be no more cause for division." Outside of Japan, why would Israel be "one of the most vaccinated countries in the world?" The idea that Covid-19 raised the fertility rates in Israel isn't necessarily related to the Covid injections. There were other socioeconomic reasons for this. The idea that there was a "system malfunction" for "accidentally deleting Covid vaccine safety data" in Israel is a cover story. There is a lot more going on here than most realize.

Study confirms women's fertility harmed in vaccinating countries

COVID-19 actually raised the fertility rate of Jewish Israeli women, the opposite of what happened in many other countries

Israel Blames 'System Malfunction' For 'Accidentally Deleting' Covid Vaccine Safety Data

August 6, 2024 | By Baxter Dmitry

Israel's government Health Ministry has announced that 82% of the nation's official data on Covid side-effects has been lost due to "technical errors and system malfunctions."

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman's office released a report last week criticizing the Health Ministry and revealing that the ministry didn't process or analyze thousands of reports it had received about various Covid vaccine side effects. 

"In 2021, the Health Ministry received some 345,200 reports on side effects caused by the coronavirus vaccine, sent by hospitals and Health Maintenance Organizations, the Comptroller's Office said, but just 18 percent of reports were accurately recorded in the ministry's database," reports the Times of Israel

"The other 82% of reports were lost due to technical errors and system malfunctions."

The Comptroller's office found that many of the vaccine side-effects were severe, including hundreds of women complaining of changes to their menstrual cycle, and thousands of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, the majority of which resulted in the patient needing to be hospitalized.

However, the Health Ministry lost these reports and according to the Comptroller's office, it also did not investigate them in a timely manner.

In response to the damning findings in the Comptroller's report, the Health Ministry said Tuesday that it had "accurately collected all reported instances of side effects," before claiming that it had collected the data in a "new system" rather than in the ministry’s usual database.

Unfortunately, the "new system" allegedly "malfunctioned" and 82% of the official Covid safety data was lost.

Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ensuring during the Covid pandemic that Israel had received the Covid vaccines first.

Israelis have been vaccinated with a combination of four vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Novavax, with the government stockpiling enough mRNA injections to vaccinate more than 100% of the population twice.

Please go to People's Voice to continue reading.

The "avian flu" is another central banking tool so any use of the term should be in quotes or accompanied by the word "fake":

More on Covid related infertility:

This woman was the leading pro-vaccine Covid hustler in Australia:

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