Friday, May 17, 2024

Japan is the US's obedient child in the Pacific

Editor's note: Japan has no real domestic political leadership with any integrity as confidence in the Japanese government by the Japanese people (the more astute) plummets. Japan is simply an extension of US foreign policy in the Pacific and Japan simply carries out its orders under PM Kishida. The country of Japan had the highest Covid injection rate in the world with around 80 percent of the population injected many up to seven times as hard as that is to believe. Turbo canacers are now being looked at carefully in Japan. It should not be dimsissed that Japan also has the highest per population of aging people. The Russian-Japan dispute over the Kuril Archipelago chain of islands between Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula and Japan's Island of Hokkaido is ongoing. Japan will never see these islands returned because Russia knows Japan will allow the US to place missiles on the islands. It is almost as if the 3 million tourists a month flocking to Japan as the yen gets pummeled are coming to pay their last respects.

News update on Japan for 23 May 2024:

Our extensive archives on Japan because Japan is the "ticking time bomb" on the global financial system. Japan is like any other country where the "media is the government":

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