Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Inquiring minds want to know what these doctors all traveling on the same aircraft were investigating?

Editor's note: The ATR-72 turboprop passenger plane was bound for Sao Paulo from Cascavel, in the state of Parana, Brazil when it dropped out of the sky at around 1:30pm in the town of Vinhedo some 50 miles northwest of the city. The first question that comes to mind in air disasters is who were the passengers? Eight doctors specializing in cancer were alleged to be on this aircraft. Were these doctors involved in researching the cancers being caused by the mRNA injections? It has been further suggested these doctors were preparing to release evidence the mRNA injections were responsible for the increase in "turbo cancers." These doctors who specialized in cancer who were killed in this "air disaster" were on their way to SBTMO 2024 (Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy), a cancer and vaccine conference held in Rio de Janeiro. The second question is can the ATR aircraft be hacked into and the avionics and engine control systems tampered with?

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