Thursday, August 22, 2024

Americans now on Russian territory killing Russians (British brains; American muscle)

Editor's note: American mercenaries are in Russia killing Russians with confirmed reports Ukrainian terrorists are killing Russian civilians (31 Russian civilians have been killed and more than 140 others have been wounded). Russia's Vladimir Putin visited Chechnya recently on what was described as an "unexpected visit", but what Putin was actually doing in Chechnya was working with Ramzan Kadyrov to have Chechen fighters move into the Kursk region to hunt down Ukrainian terrorists along with embedded foreign mercenaries from Poland, France, the US (dead Americans reported in Konopelka) and Britain (see Britain Claims To Have Helped With The Ukrainian Invasion Of Russia). Western media stories about Putin's visit to Chechnya are incongruent and portray a false story. This of course is expected as the US continues planning for a larger war against Russia. Read Here's why Putin's latest trip is so important for the emerging world order that tells a completely different story. This story was sourced from: Kursk is under NATO attack: American forces have been detected – A US diplomat is in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for explanations (vid, photo).

They came to kill...

EU racist fascists have always hated Russia and Russians:

EU member's 'Nazi heirs hate Russia on genetic level' - Moscow

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