Saturday, August 31, 2024

Another impotent ICC arrest warrant

Editor's note: The mental cripples in the west demonstrate again how they have utterly failed in dealing with Russia. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is about as impotent an organization as it gets being under the control of the British. Israel has demonstrated this. The head prosecutor of the ICC is the British Karim Ahmed Khan and its president is the Japanese Tomoko Akane. Both Britain and Japan with US pressure have heavily sanctioned Russia. Trade between Mongolia and Russia is very robust growing at around 10 percent a year bringing economic benefits to Mongolia. The British will not win on the battlefield in Ukraine with their intimidation tactics continuing this time through the ICC. The west's (mostly the British) attempts to economically sanction and punish Russia and now have Putin arrested in Mongolia is like the crass joke about the bug hitting the windshield of a speeding car. What goes through the mind of an insect when it hits the windshield of a speeding car? Its asshole. Can't defeat Russia on the battlefield so proxy out someone else to make an arrest. The Mongolians and the Russians are laughing.

ICC orders Asian country to arrest Putin

Mongolia has obligations under the Rome Statute, the international court has said

August 30, 2024  | RT 

Mongolia must detain Russian President Vladimir Putin because it is a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC), a spokesman for the Hague-based body has said.

Putin is scheduled to visit Russia's neighbor on Monday, to mark the 85th anniversary of a major World War II battle. This would theoretically put him at risk of arrest on the ICC's "war crimes" warrant, as Ulaanbaatar recognizes the court's jurisdiction.

All states that signed the Rome Statute "have the obligation to cooperate in accordance with Chapter IX," ICC spokesman Fadi el-Abdallah told the BBC on Friday. The Rome Statute is an international treaty that set up the court, which Mongolia ratified in 2002.

"In case of non-cooperation, ICC judges may make a finding to that effect and inform the Assembly of States Parties of it. It is then for the Assembly to take any measure it deems appropriate," el-Abdallah said.

The Rome Statute provides for exemptions when arresting someone would "breach a treaty obligation" with another country or violate the "diplomatic immunity of a person or property of a third state."

Read more Putin 'not worried' about ICC warrant on Mongolia trip – Kremlin

Ukraine has also filed an official demand with Mongolia to arrest Putin, according to the government in Kiev.

Moscow "has no concerns" about the ICC warrant, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters earlier on Friday, noting that all possible issues concerning Putin’s visit have been “worked out separately” in advance.

The ICC issued a warrant for Putin’s arrest in March 2023, accusing the Russian president of “unlawful deportation of population (children)” and “unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.”

Please go to RT to continue reading.

Mongolia tells the British-controlled ICC to get lost. Well of course, the ICC has no enforcement powers.

News update for 3 September 2024: Russia's Vladimir Putin arrives in Mongolia with a full military honor guard. Nope, no arrests made in Mongolia...

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