Thursday, August 29, 2024

Government by media and they really do hate you...

Editor's note:, if you want to survive what is coming shut the media down. Turn it off. Walk away from it. The financial entities including billionaire oligarchs coming through the central banks could care less what you think, how much crime and corruption you report, investigate and expose or about your personal circumstances. The more you expose their crimes and corruption the more you empower them if that makes any sense. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion first appeared in Russia in 1905 are not new having been around far longer than the internet. The only difference now is more people are becoming aware of what is going on in this predator and prey ecosphere. The chances are the world is devoid of intelligent leadership because singularity technologies and AI are being put into place advertised as assisting humanity. The other issue is have the intelligent leadership already exited to their underground facilities leaving the lower stratified intelligent ones in charge on the surface? So why is our world being destroyed - on the surface?

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