Monday, August 19, 2024

#Walkaway to Russia

Editor's note: It very well may be coming down to the decision to pick your tribe then arm yourselves as we witness the disintegration of the west. If you live in a collapsing western country especially the UK and the US and are tired of the Bolshevik communist assault on your values, your ability to produce food, and the radical leftist assault on your ability to earn a living, then make a decision to migrate to Russia. #Walkaway could very well mean preparing yourselves to leave for Russia.

Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals

"No Quota, No Language Test" - Putin Invites Families with Traditional Values to Move to Russia

If your country persecutes you because you have traditional Christian values, then President Vladimir Putin has just rolled out the red carpet

MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Russia will provide assistance to those who do not accept destructive neoliberal attitudes in their countries that contradict traditional values. A decree on preferential treatment when relocating to Russia as humanitarian support was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As noted in the document, the opportunity to apply for temporary residence in the Russian Federation is given to such foreigners "without taking into account the quota approved by the government of the Russian Federation and without submitting a document confirming knowledge of the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the fundamentals of legislation." The reason may be rejection of the policies of their countries, "imposing destructive neoliberal ideological guidelines that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values."

The list of values ​​has already been established by the Fundamentals of State Policy in this area, while the list of states that impose unhealthy attitudes on their citizens will have to be compiled by the government of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has ordered to begin issuing three-month visas in September for applications on moral grounds.

In February, at the Agency for Strategic Initiatives forum, Putin supported the idea of ​​Italian student Irene Cecchini, who proposed simplifying the move to the Russian Federation based on cultural, traditional and family values. The head of state agreed with Cecchini's words that in order to determine what kind of people come to the country, an individual approach is needed.



President Putin Wants Foreigners with Traditional Values ​​to Move to Russia

This American with military experience is in the Donbas region fighting along side of the Russian military and the fighters in the region against Ukrainian militants fighting for NATO. Listen very carefully to this American's experiences fighting against the western-backed terrorist regime in Kiev. It is nothing compared to what the western media hacks are reporting about on Russia. He clearly understands the stakes here. If you are an American with military experience and disgusted with the US military going full blown communist woke and the US military defending Israel at the expense of America, then your skills in Russia and in the Donbas will be highly valued.

News update for 21 August 2024. Apparently, Wilmer Puello-Mota, a 27-year-old former Air Force member, was supposed to be in court in Rhode Island in early January to face charges including possession of child pornography and forgery:

Wanted In The US, Now A Russian Military Star

The incredibly brave American journalist Patrick Lancaster embedded with Russian and Chechen military units is reporting the proxy war against Russia from the Russian side. Patrick's reports are an amazing testament to what some American individuals are really capable of doing:

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