Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sad but not surprising news

Editor's note: There are many deaths now being attributed to Covid injections. Is the latest death of YouTube's CEO Susan Wojcicki, if we are to believe she really did die, demonstrates again taking the Covid injections wasn't a good idea? The question is: "ALMOST INSTANT KARMA: Was the ex-CEO of YouTube just killed by one of the Covid vax-induced turbo cancers she banned discussion of on the Google-owned video platform?"

YouTube CEO, Google Exec and Tip of Spear COVID Info Pusher, Susan Wojcicki Dead at 56

August 11, 2024 | Sundance

Be thankful that God has allowed you to see what is unfolding. Others that remain asleep are not as lucky as you. Ask yourself in prayer, why you. Why now? Then, think about this daily. Affirm your spirit and allow this sense of fortunate knowledge to elevate your faith and confidence in a loving and purposeful God. You have the gift of discernment. Ultimately, you have been chosen. Be thankful. 

POLITICO – Susan Wojcicki, the former YouTube chief executive officer and longtime Google executive, has died, her husband said. She was 56. 

"My beloved wife of 26 years and mother to our five children left us today after 2 years of living with non-small cell lung cancer,” Dennis Troper said in a social media post late Friday. (read more)

Susan Wojcicki, 56, was killed by rapid onset of lung cancer after being fully vaccinated and boosted. It was during her tenure that Google blocked any information about COVID-19, vaccinations or the virus origin that ran counter to the expressed opinions of those who run Google.

Susan Wojcicki, wife of Marco Troper, was a leading fellow traveler in the leftist control system. The modern system of digital control exists in large measure because of Susan Wojcicki and the small group of people around her life. She's dead at 56, which is coincidentally the exact same age as Steve Jobs when he died.

Earlier this year, Susan Wojcicki's 19-year-old son, Marco Troper, killed himself using a drug overdose.

Susan Wojcicki's sister, Anne Wojcicki, co-founded the genetic testing company 23andMe which benefits from the COVID-19 testing database.

Please go to SOTN to continue reading. 

More here including video:

Or is Wojcicki in an upscale back alley Tel Aviv cafe sharing stories with Jeffrey Epstein over Manischewitz wine and a bagel lunch while her loot from YouTube is collecting 6 percent in an offshore account? Yeah, those dangerous vaccines and placebo replacements and she took the "death jab" along with the heavily vaccinated Israeli population? 

More evidence could have faked her death:

Another possible Covid-injected Deagel statistical contributor:

The Japanese are coming to terms with what was unloaded on them. There are a lot of news stories appearing suggesting Japan announced a "state of emergency" over the nanobots being in the mRNA injections so use caution about this story although nanobots have been detected in the injections. Issuing an apology by the Japanese government and announcing a "state of emergency" are vastly different in scope. Be very careful where you decide to source your facts from. 

Japanese Study Confirms Self-assembling Nanotechnology Inside of Pfizer and Moderna COVID mRNA Injections

Top Scientists prove Graphene Nanobots in COVID Vaccines are Shedding from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated; But there is a way to remove them

The decision to vaxx or not to vaxx so the injected can become a Deagel statistic:

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