Saturday, June 22, 2024

Feeling the pain in Japan

Editor's note: The US vassal state of Japan continues to destroy its relationship with Russia and China. At the rate Japan is moving the country will never see the Kuril Islands returned (the commercial proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has only intensified the dispute) and can expect to pay higher prices for energy while consumer spending in Japan continues to drop. If there was any talk of Japan considering taking a look at joining BRICS (for a "just world") those discussions have probably ended. Japan imports over 90% of its natural gas making it the world's largest importer of natural gas. As a result, it is reliant on the global LNG market and current events to dictate supply and energy costs and this is a "liability for the G7 countries." There was a time when Russia and Japan were discussing a gas pipeline from Russia's far east to northern Japan but the discussions are over. Japan then denied that Russia proposed a gas pipeline to Japan but this could have been Japanese subterfuge within the G7 countries to protect its own national interests. This would have secured a cheaper energy source for Japan. Instead, Japan now imports expensive LNG via ships with the average Japanese mostly oblivious to the outside world feeling the pain. Are we going to see cracks in Japan's socialist-controlled highly regulated restrictive economy begin to appear?

Source: TASS

24th package of Tokyo's sanctions seen as another step to ruining relations with Russia

The Russian Foreign Ministry warned Tokyo about tough and painful countermeasures

MOSCOW, June 21. /TASS/. Japan's latest package of anti-Russian sanctions is another step toward the complete breakdown of relations, the Russian Foreign Ministry said after a meeting between Lyudmila Vorobyova, director of the ministry's third Asia department, and the director of the Japanese Foreign Ministry's Europe department. 

"We notified the Japanese diplomat about our principled views on the current situation in bilateral ties, which have degraded to an unprecedented low level due to the Fumio Kishida administration’s short-sighted hostile policy. We pointed to the lack of any signs of changes in Tokyo's anti-Russian course. The 24th package of illegal unelated so-called sanctions against our country, which was adopted by the Japanese government on June 21, was yet another step toward ruining bilateral relations," it said. 

The ministry warned Tokyo about tough and painful countermeasures. "In the context of the regional and global agenda, we pointed to the categorical inadmissibility of Japan's attempts top 'protest' the development of comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and North Korea and conveyed to the Japanese representative the essence of Russian President Vladimir Putin's initiative on building a new security architecture in Eurasia," it said. 

More on Japan:

Japan continues to join the G7 sanctions bandwagon against Russia and now China:

Punish Russia at every intersection on trade, finance and resources:

EU to Ban Re-Export of Russian LNG 

It shouldn't come as any surprise another Russophobe takes over from the previous Russian-hater at NATO:


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