Thursday, August 29, 2024

Nothing is a "bombshell" anymore...

Editor's note: ...when it comes to a report that sounds like a click bait title. How can it be a "bombshell" report or "secret underground facility" when DUMB facilities have been known to exist for a long time? The only real questions are what are these DUMB facilities really being planned and constructed for and what is the actual extent and size of these subterranean facilities? How much money has been redirected (looted) out of the Pentagon and NASA to finance this construction? And what about all those alleged missing children not being reported by US government federally subcontracted corporations responsible for immigration like DHS? It's a weird suppositional inquiry but can it be postulated some of these children might be taken into these subterranean DUMB facilities as a potential future labor pool to rebuild civilization on the surface after it gets wiped out and not from nuclear war? The calendar we live under has been fabricated to hide an earlier calendar that dated a catastrophic destruction on Earth. The "deep state" (Prof. Peter Dale Scott) and the "breakaway civilization" need emergencies to completely take over the government. If this civilization "broke" away where is it located? Every where you turn it is global chaos on the surface. It likely isn't chaos in these subterranean facilities. 

Bombshell Report! The Hidden Power D.U.M.B.S: Mount Weather – The Home Base of the Deep State Underground Government – America's Underground Government Exposed – VIDEO

By Medeea Greere | August 8, 2024 

BREAKING NEWS: Uncover the chilling reality of Mount Weather, Virginia's covert underground base. This secret facility is a shadow government poised to seize control during national emergencies. Expose FEMA's terrifying authority to suspend the Constitution and the dark implications of this hidden power structure. Confront the shocking truth behind America's underground regime now!

D.U.M.B.S: Mount Weather – The Home Base of the Deep State Underground Government

Unveiling the Hidden Hub of Power. In a stunning revelation, Mount Weather, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, has been exposed as more than just an operational center. It is the nerve center of over 96 underground Federal Relocation Centers spread across the United States. Former high-level officials have blown the whistle, revealing that Mount Weather isn't just a standby government facility; it is an actual government in waiting. This shadow government includes a President and all Cabinet members, poised to seize control after a catastrophic event.

Government in Waiting: Ready to Take Over. Mount Weather's role is not limited to emergency preparedness. It is designed to activate a new government structure in response to crises, complete with its own President and Cabinet. This contingency government would step in following a national disaster or emergency, granting FEMA the power to suspend the Constitution during a declared crisis. Alarmingly, Nixon's Executive Order contains no provisions for restoring constitutional governance post-emergency, fueling fears of a permanent power shift.

Continuity of Government: A Dark Reality. Continuity of government is not a new concept, but Mount Weather’s role is cloaked in secrecy and controversy. The facility operates independently, with its own communications, power supply, and living quarters. It is a self-sustained underground city, prepared to function autonomously for extended periods.

The Real Power Players. The individuals appointed to positions within this shadow government are not temporary. Many have held their positions through several administrations, suggesting a sinister level of continuity and secrecy. These appointees operate behind the scenes, ensuring the facility is always ready to assume control.

FEMA's Sinister Role: Constitutional Suspension

FEMA plays a crucial role in this dark plan. During a national emergency, FEMA can suspend the Constitution and implement martial law. This power is justified as a means of maintaining order and safety. However, the lack of provisions for the restoration of constitutional governance has ignited fears of a permanent shift in power.

Please go to AMG News to continue reading.

It's definitely not a "secret". If it was a secret why are we reading about it and why have we known about DUMB facilities for a long time? The only "secret" is what are they planning for because it certainly isn't for any type of emergencies that we have been led to believe.

The Government's Secret "Doomsday Hideaway": Mount Weather


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