Wednesday, August 7, 2024

With Kamala Harris "the bus has always been on a glittering road to nowhere."

Editor's note: As you read the following essay on Kamala Harris think back on what you know about the Bolshevik revolution (launched out of the pirate City of London) and the subsequent killing spree that took place in Russia in 1918. That central banking attack on Russia was led by Jews. Kamala Harris isn't black, she's not eligible and she is not a US citizen.

Kamala Harris is Mostly White
and her genealogy proves it 

First published August 5, 2024

If anyone cares about the truth anymore, this is it. There is the usual hubbub in the news, with both sides avoiding all facts, but although Kamala is part Indian on her mother's side and part black on her father's side, if you add up totals she is more white than anything else. And the white lines are heavily Jewish, as we would expect from someone who likes to marry Jews like this guy:

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That's Doug Emhoff young. Almost no one knows the "second gentleman" of the US is Jewish. 

You should be able to tell Kamala is mainly white/Jewish just from looking at her, or noticing her promotion, but most people's eyes aren't too good so let's be scientific about it and look at bloodlines. 

Master genealogist Tim Dowling has it all laid out for us on his huge site. He isn't hiding it and so the truth is easy to find. Which makes it amazing that no mainstream reporters can seem to locate it.

Let me simplify it for you. Jewish we will count as white. So, say she is half white on both sides. In that case she is in total half white, a quarter black, and a quarter Indian. So twice as white as anything else. If she were only 1/3rd white on both sides, she would still be as much white as anything, being 1/3rd white, 1/3rd black and 1/3rd Indian. So she would have to be only 1⁄4 white on both sides for her to be predominantly non-white.

Snopes has already conceded her mother is half-white, being listed as Caucasian on Kamala's birth certificate. So let's do a little simple math. How white does she now need to be on her father's side, to make her mostly white? Well, that gives us this equation:

1⁄4 + x = 1/3

That gives us 1/12th, but that is total. So we must double it to get her paternal side: if she is more than 1/6th white on her paternal side, she is white. Meaning, if we go back a few generations and find at least 1 of 6 ancestors are white on that side, our job is done.

As it turns out, that is quite easy to do, since her Jamaican father is listed as Jamaican instead of black for a reason: he mostly comes from Jamaican slave owners, who were white. And Jewish. Again, you can tell that just by looking at him: 

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Amazingly, they have scrubbed that picture and all others from his Wiki page.

But we are being scientific here, and mainstream scientists don't accept visual evidence, since they are not visual. The boys in the barbershop can see this, but mainstream scientists can't. So let's return to the genealogy. Even in the Harris line, Kamala Harris isn't black. The Harrises come from Samuel Constantine Harris. Note the Phoenician name Constantine. These Harrises came over to Jamaica from Ireland in the 1700s, and they were closely related to Watsons, Grahams, Wallaces, Townshends, and Roberts. They were not slaves, they were slaveowners, as you can see here. That is, in case it gets memoryholed. University College London, list of British slaveowners. More than that, they were slave traders. The names Graham and Townshend indicates they were peers. Nobles. The Townshends were and are Jewish/Phoenician peers, see Pete Townshend for your visual here: 

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If you will remember, Pete beat a pedophilia rap by claiming he was doing research. Wiki mentions the case, but totally whitewashes it for Pete.

In about 1900 one of these Harrises married a Christiana Brown. Was she black? No, since her father was Col. Hamilton Brown, another white slave trader from Ireland:

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He founded Hamilton Town, now Brown's Town. Dowling tells us his wife was a slave, but she doesn't have a slave's name: Kate Williams. So more likely she was an indentured servant from Ireland. Thousands of them were going to Jamaica at that time.

Next, the Harrises marry the Finegans, in about 1945. Was this Beryl Finegan black? No, because her father was Patrick Alhanasous Finegan, yet another Irish slaver. Alhanasous is another Phoenician pointer, probably a slur or misspelling of Athanasius.

In fact, I could only confirm one black person among Kamala's eight great-grandparents. That would be Orah Allen, whom we have a picture of. But if even one of Kamala's four paternal great- grandparents are white, we would be above 1/6th, proving she is mostly white. I just proved that.

So all this fluff about Kamala being a DEI hire is the usual misdirection. She didn't get where she is by being black or Indian or even a woman. She got there by being of these old families like the Hamiltons and Grahams and Wallaces, that is, by being a Phoenician. There is no inclusion, the diversity is a mirage, and forget about equity or fairness. If you are from the Families, you get promotion whether you deserve it or not, and if you aren't you get buried, slandered, and ignored. And even if you are from the Families, you have to do what you are told or you will be thrown unceremoniously from the bus. Which I highly recommend you do, since the bus has always been on a glittering road to nowhere.

Everyone is getting a piece of the action on the British asset Kamala Harris:

Kamala Apeshit, Part 4

We're on a road to nowhere...

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