Tuesday, August 27, 2024

For the times they are a changin'...

Editor's note: ...means more and more countries are joining BRICS. The Anglo-American empire is not going to sit idly by watching. Don't get this confused with Christian eschatology either but the world is moving rapidly to a major escalation of war. Multiple sources are reporting that Belarus has deployed troops to the Ukrainian border for a possible military operation to move into Kiev. The Russian Wagner PMCs have been in Belarus for the past year training the Belarus military which means if the Belarus military moves on Kiev it will be brutal. Belarus has a total of 445,000 available personnel with 63,000 active personnel and 290,000 reserves. This blog is done freely without scrounging for loot or using exaggerated claims for click bait while attempting to bring this information to a wider public audience. If that's even possible on a Google blog. The US Treasury has now threatened to sanction countries that host Russian banks. All the stops are out as the US goes hyperbolic in its now open war with Russia. Use caution out there. It is a treacherous mine field of fakery, duplicity, deception and unbelievable ignorance.

Countdown To Crisis, Catastrophe and Collapse

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