Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Terrorist regime in Kiev is on notice by the Russian FSB

Editor's note: Understand that the Russian FSB will track down and hold these US-backed  (CIA) Ukrainian terrorists responsible for this crime. As far as the Russians are concerned these are terrorists and not soldiers. The rules of war no longer apply. As such they will be captured, given a trial and executed under the laws covering terrorism. This story was sourced from: Ukrainian troops 'kidnapping' Russian civilians (VIDEO). The US regime backed these Ukrainian terrorists in their incursion into Kursk. The US official policy is now "a sponsor of state terrorism" and everyone should be put on notice. The Russians are now going to turn Kursk into a mass grave for the US-NATO-backed Ukrainian terrorists. There are also reports appearing that Ukrainian terrorists are taking Russians out of their homes and executing them.

The targeting of Russian civilians in Kursk by Ukrainian terrorists is now confirmed:

Ukrainian troops massacred civilians in Kursk – Russian volunteer (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

Report from Kursk:

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