Monday, August 26, 2024

Point your boney fingers at --------------> Israel - The fight is on

Editor's note: The arrest of the Telegram Founder-CEO, Pavel Durov in France at the behest of US intelligence (below report: NSA' s previous inspector general Robert Storch's wife, Sara Lord is likely a British asset) really hit a nerve for those who have been following these events. There are people being arrested all around the world where there no longer exists free speech. There is now total warfare against free speech being a highly coordinated effort by the US (US corporation trampling on free speech and it goes global), UK, Israel and NATO to prevent the Russian military from using Telegram with such effectiveness. Any American, say again, American who wants to get in this fight is welcome to following the lead of Rep. Matt Gaetz and Tore. Rep. Gaetz knows all about Israeli extortion and blackmail. There is turbulence coming on a large scale and whatever is headed America's way the election will be all about free speech.

Know your eyes

Telegram Arrest Call To Action – Tore Says

August 26, 2024 | Forbidden Knowledge

The arrest of Telegram Founder-CEO, Pavel Durov by the deranged EU-French government on Saturday is ringing a lot of alarm bells for anyone who cares about the internet and Freedom of Speech – and really, for anyone with a pulse, who doesn't want our civilization to descend into total barbarism.

The Russian government is reportedly working to free Telegram Founder, Pavel Durov from custody in France, with the Russian embassy in Paris accusing French authorities of "refusing to cooperate" and of "blocking" Russian embassy officials in Paris from visiting with him.

Tore Maras posted this impromptu video late on Saturday night from the street in DC, responding to and adding to the comments of former State Department official, Mike Benz in the video that I posted yesterday, about what can be done to defend Durov and our First Amendment Rights, where Benz advised:
"The House Foreign Affairs Committee could subpoena or could demand, as part of its Oversight, all communications between the US Embassy in Paris – that is, the State Department's branch in France – for their communications with prosecutors or government officials about Pavel’s arrest, prior to the arrest.

"Because I believe the State Department is, at the very least – if not outright pushing – [is] participating in this political prosecution."
Tore reminds us that any and all US Citizens can file Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for all of the communications between the following US Government agencies and the French government and law enforcement: 1). US State Department; 2). French Embassy in Washington, DC and Consulate New York; 3). Department of Homeland Security (DHS); 4). Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); 5). Nina Jankowicz – the former head the short-lived DHS' Disinformation Governance Board. Particularly, any communications she may have had with Alexandra Chalupa.

We should also add to this list, the Foreign Malign Influence Center, at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), to where the Disinformation Governance Board has reportedly been re-located.

Tore discloses here that all of these unprecedented, off-the-charts US Government censorship "Boards" and "Misinfo" agencies have their origins in the Obama administration's war on Ukraine, involving the former Inspector General of the NSA, Robert Storch (currently, the Inspector General of the Department of Defense), as well as Storch's wife, Sara Lord, who she says was working with journalists and fighting "disinformation" in Ukraine, back in 2013.

Tore stresses:
Nina Jankowicz is at the center of this. So, I urge every single one of you to ask for any communications pertaining to Telegram with Nina Jankowicz. You know, the singing c@nt that started the disinformation sh!t in Ukraine and then wanted to apply it, and sat at my f@cking desk in London. Yeah, that bitch.

You send FOIA requests and ask any communication she's had with anyone within the European Union or anything pertaining to Telegram, I f@cking guarantee you, you'll be flooded with a sh!t-ton of stuff. In fact, they're probably just gonna put it on the Reading Room, because that's how much you're gonna see.
I had forgotten all about Jankowicz – and I have to thank Tore so much, for the trip down Memory Lane, that has had me laughing my ass off, for the past hour!

Amid the non-stop firehose of assaults and indignities blasted at the American People by the Biden Regime, the Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board, formed in 2022 was such a Bad Look for the DNC/CCP that it was dissolved in just 4 months.

The wildly out-of-touch, completely lacking in all self-awareness, elitist pile of garbage seen in this video was appointed to head-up this new agency by the very obviously treasonous DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

This Participation Trophy Winner thought she had a bright career ahead of her, violating your First Amendment rights, as the head of a full-fledged US Federal Government agency – but she was wrong – and she felt so terribly wronged by having this dream snatched away from her, that she begged you for money to sue Fox News for their honest reporting on her – ahem, profoundly Narcissistic? Neurodivergent? WTF is going on? – behavior.

Go here, to read more about the revolting grift of this person. Thank God, her case was tossed-out last month!

In any case, Tore personally tangled with Jankowicz in Ukraine, while they were both – on separate projects – helping the Obama administration to overthrow Viktor Yanukovych, in order to replace him with their puppet, Petro Poroshenko – you know, the guy that OBrandon bribed for $1 billion, for him to fire Viktor Shokin, the good prosecutor, who was investigating his crackhead son and Burisma? And it was all caught on tape?

You probably didn't remember that this was all caught on tape, right? Because, we have such an awesome Fourth Estate!

This is why Tore knows so much about the election machines that are being used to overthrow governments all over the world, because she was personally involved in doing this, while working at a company contracted by the CIA.

The jist of Tore's message in this video is that US Citizens still have God-given rights, that are still protected under US Law. Exercise them, or lose them.

This video contains a lot of disruptions, which I will redact from this transcription, in order to more clearly transmit Tore's message and for a better reading experience but her video is posted as-is.

Please go to Forbidden Knowledge to continue reading then take action.

Some French are clearly "deranged":

Official Gov't Docs Prove Brigitte Macron Is a Male Pedophile – Media Blackout

Is Pavel Durov really a fool? Hmmmm....:

From the Russian-hating racist fascists who run the EU:

Obama mentioned above: Really, when you stop and think for a moment about a president of the United States tasked with creating class warfare. Wtf? The vetted corporate Bolsheviks with Saul Alinsky as their mentor the Obama's (created corporate entities) were tasked to create class warfare:

Arrest the traitor Obama now followed by a military tribunal:

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