Sunday, August 4, 2024

If you are white why are you allowing yourself to go fight for clowns in a clown world?

Editor's note: Are you a white male US or British citizen considering volunteering for the US or British military? The best advice is to reconsider your options. Listen to this prior US Navy SEAL and understand what these guys are volunteering for. They are volunteering to go fight and kill for the US corporation and are literally US corporate mercenary soldiers (clown world worriers). This fact can't be illustrated better than in this short clip. The tip of the iceberg is that no one in the US military are going to "conduct themselves honorably." If you are white walk away. There are far better options in life than to subject yourself to this abuse by sacrificing whatever dignity, honor and self-respect you have. Understand that the US Navy is a foreign British Territorial military branch, not American.

Fight for Us, White Male Scum: Why We Will Win the War for the West

It's all show... 

Listen to Kay Griggs a bit if you are considering volunteering for the above:

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