Thursday, August 15, 2024

It is going to get really nasty in the UK...

Editor's note: the fanatical communists take power. Is it an over exaggeration to make the claim the UK PM Kier Starmer is a Marxist "Mao Tse-tung" Bolshevik who hates the British working class? Is it also an exaggeration to consider Kier "Pol Pot" Starmer as a fanatic considering he was trained in extreme Marxist philosophy during the "cold war" in Czechoslovakia when Starmer was a teenager? There is now a WEF-directed full on communist pogrom including "mega prisons" now taking place in Britain. Starmer is an inhuman fanatic and is as Leninist-Trotskyite as they come who wants to create a "year zero" for the UK. In Starmer's cold robotic-like Pol Pot mode watch him closely when he lays down a wreath of flowers where those three little girls were murdered in Southport. He loathes and despises the native British working class. Year zero: Everything begins now. British citizens are being arrested and imprisoned for the most innocuous posts on social media. Those mega prisons are being constructed for a reason in the UK. It should be pointed out Starmer is a fanatical communist Trotskyite Jew (family Jewish traditions), so our recommendation is to take heed, stand back and take precautions because these fanatical communist lunatics are coming to an end. Stay out of trouble, clear your heads and stay safe...

Share online footage of UK riots = prosecution for terrorism!


When you start to think like the Bolshevik Starmer and his ilk you can comprehend better why they have noting but contempt and hatred for the working class:

The Bolsheviks who have taken over the Labour and Tori operations are going to tax the shit out of the working class:

The British oligarchy hate the working class and wants them dead:

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