Sunday, August 11, 2024

WWE induced illusion (kayfabe), staged assassination drama in Butler, Pennsylvania as Trump cult conditioning, strange political entertainment, and Mossad business networks… complete with cheering fans!

Editor's note: What's the average price for a World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) professional wrestling match? Tickets can run between $20 and $200 per ticket and depending on the event up to $2,500. In professional wrestling the concept of kayfabe is described as the "unsaid rule that the wrestlers should stay in character during the show and in public appearances in order to maintain a feeling of reality (albeit suspended) among the fans." Kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between wrestlers as being genuine and not staged. This is Al Snow explaining to these up and coming pro wrestlers what Kayfabe is and how these wrestlers must work to protect the business of pro wrestling worth $6.71 billion in 2024. The WWE is owned and operated by TKO Group Holdings, a majority-owned subsidiary of Endeavor Group Holdings. The current CEO of Endeavor is Ari Emanuel, the brother of Rahm Emanuel (current US ambassador to Japan keeping an eye on the Japanese) and Ezekiel Emanuel (connected to the University of Pennsylvania and the NIH). The Emanuel family has been connected to the Israeli Mossad through their father Benjamin Emanuel who was a member of Irgun

Ariel Zev Emanuel is the CEO of Endeavor Group Holdings Ltd., an entertainment, talent agency and media agency that owns the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Ari Emanuel was a founding partner of the Endeavor Talent Agency that became Endeavor. Endeavor had revenues of $5.96 billion in 2023. Ari Emanuel has a huge footprint in Hollywood described as a "Hollywood mogul reaching the top of celebrity culture's greasiest pole" with a net worth estimated at $450 million. If anyone knows anyone in Hollywood and how that sleazy place is run it would be Ari Emanuel. Offered to produce a movie for Trump? What else was offered? A WWE rated kayfabe assassination attempt complete with talent agency actors and actresses? From the Wikipedia writeup on Emanuel there is this:
Emanuel has hosted fundraisers for the Democratic Party.[22] He donated $2,700 to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 United States presidential election. His long-standing relationship with his former client Donald Trump is well documented.[23] During the 2016 Republican Party presidential primaries, Emanuel offered to produce a movie for Trump which was considered for the 2016 Republican National Convention but ultimately was not followed through on.[24]

After the disappearance of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi on October 2, 2018, and reports that the Saudi hit squad had assassinated him inside their consulate in Turkey, Emanuel called White House senior adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.[25] Emanuel tried to extricate Endeavor from a $400 million deal with the Saudi Arabian government.[26]
Maybe what we are seeing here is the CIA-Mossad-MI6 running the WWE $6.71 billion a year (2024) business as a Tavistock sports–entertainment lab on suspension of disbelief and psyop credibility testing? During the alledged Trump assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania with the governor of the state of Pennsylvania being the Jewish Josh Shapiro, with actors provided by the talent agency mentioned above, maybe a staged assassination drama cynically manipulated many viewers' perceptions regarding what actually happened in Butler? Endeavor is global entertainment and if you really examine what happened in Butler with the media, in a weird sort of way the assassination attempt was a "form of entertainment." Complete with Donald Trump likely having a small fake blood packet planted in his hair.

Understanding the pro wrestling industry and kayfabe a little bit better:

Suspend your disbelief and enjoy the show as Trump takes down the WWE's Vince McMahon in 2007! Alternative descriptions for kayfabe like what we see in WWE professional wrestling, on corporate television and in politicks is "the system of stratified lies that undergirds professional wrestling", the "illusion that what we see on corporate television, its storylines and characters, are real", and "the illusion that what we see in corporate politics, its narratives and candidates, are real." It is no coincidence that both politics and pro wrestling revolve around the kayfabe concept mentioned above. Trump's most ardent supporters are like WWE pro wrestling fans who have suspended their disbelief and contracted Trump Attachment Syndrome. Nothing could have highlighted Trump's political views and connections to the WWE better than with Hulk Hogan introducing President Trump at the RNC. Trump also has a long-standing relationship with Vince McMahon and the WWE to this very day. Trump's involvement includes several appearances at WWE events, including as a guest ring announcer, on-screen talent, and even as the "owner" of WWE's flagship show, "WWE Raw." It was Ari Emanuel who suggested Vince McMahon step down after allegations of sex trafficking, assault and exploitation earlier this year. Maybe this was a way to force McMahon out of the WWE? The Ziomafia muscling in on lucrative staged entertainment to capture more of the profits for themselves?

WWE professional wrestling match between Kamala Harris and Hulk Hogan. Kamala?


Would you leave a multi-billion dollar industry up to chance? We know the NFL and the NBA are rigged games but WWE pro wrestling is a whole new chapter to explore regarding rackets and manipulation. Are we talking about another Jewish mob racket? It's all one big criminal racket. Ari Emanuel, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and all of them are working together to keep you trapped in their fake reality like WWE pro wrestling fans suspension of their disbelief to believe these people. Remember when Trump and Clinton were debating at the 2016 presidential debate and Clinton said it is a good thing Trump isn't in charge of the law in this country?  Trump responded with "because you would be in jail." That is political theater almost like a WWE televised pre-match interview where the wrestlers face off before the cameras keeping their fans in suspense. That is Trump staying in character according to the kayfabe concept.

The Fix Is In

Another contributor explaining this concept of kayfabe is the mathematician Eric Weinstein who said that the presidential election will be determined by pro wrestling in what we see now as politics becoming pro wrestling in a nation addicted to fantasy. Kayfabe is carnival speak for fake: 

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