Thursday, July 18, 2024

"Epic and iconic photographs" and whizzing bullets

Editor's note: As we've read from an essay laying out the evidence as to why this murder attempt on Donald Trump was staged and faked, the Secret Service can be seen having photographers move to the front of the stage. One of the photographers was the NYT photographer Doug Mills wearing a white hat who took the image of the bullet "whizzing by Trump's ear." Mills is now credited with "taking some of the most iconic photographs of the decade." Doug Mills won two Pulitzers, one for coverage of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which was apparently a staged event. So, it looks like Doug Mills' cover has been blown. Mills was also the photographer who was in the same elementary school classroom with President George Bush when Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispered into Bush's right ear "America is under attack." Joe Rogan (cover already blown) had no clue who Doug Mills is referring to Mills as "a wizard" not knowing his background or that he might have been an intel plant. The other photographer was the Associated Press' chief photographer Evan Vucci who took the "epic photograph." Trump was in a photo shoot. It was during the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney where Vucci met then Associated Press photographer Doug Mills. Mills helped Vucci get his foot in the door at the Associated Press. Time magazine used Vucci's image of Trump on the cover of their most recent edition. An "iconic" photograph is now permanently etched in your brains. That's what intel assets do. Butler was just another campaign trail show. What were Mills and Vucci even doing there? Were they both at other Trump campaign events as well? This is what you call "reengineering events."

What is going on here?

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