Saturday, July 27, 2024

Killed by the Praetorian Guard

Editor's note: The US Secret Service was under the US Department of Treasury until it was placed under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Richard Nixon is the only former president to relinquish Secret Service protection. There are currently 8,300 Secret Service employees with a budget of $3.2 billion (FY 25). Although the Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle resigned over the Trump show, the Senior Executive Service (SES) was not mentioned once in the investigations or congressional hearings. The SES oversees the Secret Service. There's your Praetorian Guard.

Never Trust the Secret Service since Elite Bodyguards have a History of Assassinating Heads of State?

Jult 26, 2024 | By Martin Armstrong

I have reported how President Richard Nixon had threatened the head of the CIA, saying: "I know who killed JFK." When he was driven out of office, Nixon refused the protection of the Secret Service. This recent attempted assassination was according to their proven playbook. Use a claimed lone shoot, kill him to make sure there is never a trial, and the problem is eliminated. I have often said that history is merely a map to the future, for human nature never changes. 

There were assassinations and attempted assassinations of Roman emperors by rivals and sometimes bureaucrats who were trying to weasel in to grab power, like the story of Sejanus, who had the emperor’s son poisoned by his wife so he could marry her and then took out Tiberius to take the throne, there was also the equivalent of the Secret Service in Roman times – the Praetorian Guard. 

During the Republican period, they were generally just bodyguards for elite politicians. It was not until 27 BC that the Senate bestowed the title "Augustus" upon him, and he became the first emperor of Rome. From then on, the Praetorian Guard was established, and they became the emperor’s personal security escort—the ancient version of the Secret Service.

Nixon refused the protection of the Secret Service because he was also a student of history. John O’Hurley is coming out this August with a documentary on Watergate, which he hopes will rehabilitate Nixon’s legacy. I met Nixon on the beach on Long Beach Island years ago after he left the White House. I don’t recall the conversation, but I did get the sense he knew his history. I also recall he did not seem to have Secret Service at the time.

What the Deep State did to Nixon was to discredit him and his legacy to cover up the dark side of their anti-Democratic thirst for power. This, Nixon's history, is problematic, for it certainly distorts their accomplishments and his fight against the left and the rising trend of communism, where he honed the style of red-baiting, where he would denounce an opponent as an anarchist, communist, Marxist, socialist, or Stalinist. His famous 1959 Kitchen Debate with Khrushchev established his belief in freedom and capitalism.

There is undoubtedly precedent for fearing the Secret Service. Historically, 13 Roman Emperors were assassinated by their Praetorian Guard – the very elite group who were to guard the emperor. There was roughly a 20.5-year interval on average between these assassinations. It is three such intervals since Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963 – 61 years to 2024.

Please go to The Burning Platform to continue reading.

A more thorough discussion of the Senior Executive Service:

The FBI are vetted by the SES:

FBI's Christopher Wray takes the heat for the Senior Executive Service (SES)


The Senior Executive Service is mentioned in this material:

These local police would be well off to begin to understand the hierarchy pf power here considering the FBI is vetted by the Senior Executive Service. If the FBI has been acting in a political partisan manner that is because it is controlled by the SES:

Secret Service girl...

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