Saturday, August 31, 2024

Another impotent ICC arrest warrant

Editor's note: The mental cripples in the west demonstrate again how they have utterly failed in dealing with Russia. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is about as impotent an organization as it gets being under the control of the British. Israel has demonstrated this. The head prosecutor of the ICC is the British Karim Ahmed Khan and its president is the Japanese Tomoko Akane. Both Britain and Japan with US pressure have heavily sanctioned Russia. Trade between Mongolia and Russia is very robust growing at around 10 percent a year bringing economic benefits to Mongolia. The British will not win on the battlefield in Ukraine with their intimidation tactics continuing this time through the ICC. The west's (mostly the British) attempts to economically sanction and punish Russia and now have Putin arrested in Mongolia is like the crass joke about the bug hitting the windshield of a speeding car. What goes through the mind of an insect when it hits the windshield of a speeding car? Its asshole. Can't defeat Russia on the battlefield so proxy out someone else to make an arrest. The Mongolians and the Russians are laughing.

ICC orders Asian country to arrest Putin

Mongolia has obligations under the Rome Statute, the international court has said

August 30, 2024  | RT 

Mongolia must detain Russian President Vladimir Putin because it is a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC), a spokesman for the Hague-based body has said.

Putin is scheduled to visit Russia's neighbor on Monday, to mark the 85th anniversary of a major World War II battle. This would theoretically put him at risk of arrest on the ICC's "war crimes" warrant, as Ulaanbaatar recognizes the court's jurisdiction.

Friday, August 30, 2024

"OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) is surely the leader on a harm-per-employee basis"

Editor's note: That's a damn sobering assessment. It's a long clip we know, but listen to Brad Smith for a few minutes to get a feel for what the OFAC's (Office of Foreign Assets Control) "banality of evil" is concerning Russia. The implication here is US Treasury bureaucrats like Smith "are inflicting poverty, illness and death on people — but it's a living." When you listen to Smith's banal sounding voice, it is the voice of a boring bureaucrat doing his duties diligently for a career advancement and possibly nothing more. It can perhaps be satisfactorily stated the end of the OFAC's economic war against nations is coming to an end. The weaponized US dollar is about to explode in the US's face. At this point there will be no political reconcilable solutions coming in America while these bureaucrats working in US institutions continue to economically war on nations.

OFAC’s Banality of Evil: Small US Agency Victimizes Millions of Foreign Innocents

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Residents will not survive the Bolshevik state of California

Editor's note: If you live in California leave. Just get out. The borders are open and there is nothing stopping you. There is no hope at this point for California educationally for your children, to run a business, trying to survive financial and economic hardship with penalizing taxes including a possible federal property tax with increasing crime and mass migration moving into the Bolshevik-run state of California. Why the focus on California? Because California of all the blue states is conquered corporate Bolshevik territory under the Nomenklatura Newsom

California Senate Passes Bill to Give Illegal Immigrants Money to Buy Homes, But Government Points Out a Problem



First published August 28, 2024

As I expected, I have already had readers complaining about my advice to go off-grid, to the extent of not registering the births of your children. People are horrified by this suggestion, though they should know it has already been done successfully by many here in the States—though, no, I will not name any names or give you any contact information so that you can interview them for their experiences. That would sort of spoil the whole thing, wouldn't it? These people have done this because they are smart, and smart people who have gone underground don't suddenly start giving interviews, do they?

The British long proxy war of attrition against Russia

Editor's note: It wasn't the proxies in Kiev who planned this incursion into Kursk where it is being reported there are now over 7,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries decomposing in open fields and in tree lines. As we can read also from Andrei Martyanov's blog, the incursion into Kursk was planned in the pirate City of London. We didn't realize General MacArthur at one point told the British to "fucking fade away from the arena." The actual circumstances aren't exactly known but Ukraine lost a NATO-donated F-16 (update: the F16 was shot down in a friendly fire incident) along with its pilot. Does anyone think these F-16s are going to change the circumstances in a favorable way for Ukraine? As has been stated repeatedly this is a commercial proxy war on Russia and if it takes killing every Ukrainian down to the last man that is what the British will do. There is just too much money involved for weapon manufacturers having bumper crop profit years to end this. The Russians are prepared for whatever the British throw at them including Russia moving 30,000 soldiers into Kursk. Unlike the Ukrainians, the Russians are not throwing in new recruits only to get killed. The Russians are being directed by experienced soldiers waging war along with Chechen fighters from the Akhmat battalion and Wagner PMCs. As we have seen over and over again from the Russian-hating British it is always "Russia's fault."

Britain's Kursk Invasion Backfires?

By Kit Klarenberg | August 21, 2024

British Challenger 2 tanks reached Ukraine with enormous fanfare, ahead of Kiev's long-delayed, ultimately catastrophic 2023 "counteroffensive". On top of encouraging other proxy war sponsors to provide Ukraine with armoured fighting vehicles, Western audiences were widely told the tank - hitherto marketed to international buyers as "indestructible" - made Kiev's ultimate victory a fait accompli. As it was, Challenger 2 tanks deployed to Robotnye in September were almost instantly incinerated by Russian fire, then very quietly withdrawn from combat altogether.

Your DNA is up for grabs in Ponzi schemes

Editor's note: The global biotechnology market size and share is currently valued $889.98 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to generate an estimated revenue of $1,763.52 billion by 2030 and they all want in. That is some serious competitive loot. Honestly, are you really going to allow these people to fuck around with your DNA? Your DNA by the way is private property in case you did not know that. The only problem is you didn't claim it. It was abandoned at the hospital. If you don't claim your DNA as your private property and allowed it to be converted to the public domain you don't own it. You were separated from your DNA at birth as has been demonstrated here: Origin Begins at Fertilization - Catholic Church: Reform or Leave America.

23&Me is collapsing: turns out, all that precious DNA data is worthless

How will AI make GOF viruses now?!? Please, someone, tell Rand Paul asap!

By Sasha Latypova | August 29, 2024

Anne Wojcicki, late Susan Wojcicki's sister, ex-wife of Sergei Brin, who is ex-husband of Nicole Shanahan, who is RFK Jr's VP pick. It's not complicated at all.

According to the Endpoint News:
In what feels like a desperate attempt to stay afloat, 23andMe plans to… start prescribing weight loss drugs. How did we get here, with the once-mighty DNA testing company becoming just the latest to join the GLP-1 trend, like so many others have already done? Even the company seems lukewarm about the move, with its execs giving the weight loss play little more than a mention on the company's recent earnings call. (It's also a strategy that's not without trade-offs: Earlier this month, WeightWatchers said the cost of attracting new prescription drug customers is soaring because of all the competition in the space.)But 23andMe has few cards left to play. Once valued at $6 billion, it's now a penny stock on the verge of being delisted from the Nasdaq. It's struggled to stoke demand for its DNA spit tests, and its attempts to use its trove of genetic data for drug discovery and development have been predictably expensive, with potential profits a long way off.

Government by media and they really do hate you...

Editor's note:, if you want to survive what is coming shut the media down. Turn it off. Walk away from it. The financial entities including billionaire oligarchs coming through the central banks could care less what you think, how much crime and corruption you report, investigate and expose or about your personal circumstances. The more you expose their crimes and corruption the more you empower them if that makes any sense. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion first appeared in Russia in 1905 are not new having been around far longer than the internet. The only difference now is more people are becoming aware of what is going on in this predator and prey ecosphere. The chances are the world is devoid of intelligent leadership because singularity technologies and AI are being put into place advertised as assisting humanity. The other issue is have the intelligent leadership already exited to their underground facilities leaving the lower stratified intelligent ones in charge on the surface? So why is our world being destroyed - on the surface?

Nothing is a "bombshell" anymore...

Editor's note: ...when it comes to a report that sounds like a click bait title. How can it be a "bombshell" report or "secret underground facility" when DUMB facilities have been known to exist for a long time? The only real questions are what are these DUMB facilities really being planned and constructed for and what is the actual extent and size of these subterranean facilities? How much money has been redirected (looted) out of the Pentagon and NASA to finance this construction? And what about all those alleged missing children not being reported by US government federally subcontracted corporations responsible for immigration like DHS? It's a weird suppositional inquiry but can it be postulated some of these children might be taken into these subterranean DUMB facilities as a potential future labor pool to rebuild civilization on the surface after it gets wiped out and not from nuclear war? The calendar we live under has been fabricated to hide an earlier calendar that dated a catastrophic destruction on Earth. The "deep state" (Prof. Peter Dale Scott) and the "breakaway civilization" need emergencies to completely take over the government. If this civilization "broke" away where is it located? Every where you turn it is global chaos on the surface. It likely isn't chaos in these subterranean facilities. 

Bombshell Report! The Hidden Power D.U.M.B.S: Mount Weather – The Home Base of the Deep State Underground Government – America's Underground Government Exposed – VIDEO

By Medeea Greere | August 8, 2024 

BREAKING NEWS: Uncover the chilling reality of Mount Weather, Virginia's covert underground base. This secret facility is a shadow government poised to seize control during national emergencies. Expose FEMA's terrifying authority to suspend the Constitution and the dark implications of this hidden power structure. Confront the shocking truth behind America's underground regime now!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

However the "deep state" or the "breakaway civilization" are described they are a harvesting machine in this predator and prey ecosphere

Editor's note: America has been harvested by the central banking cartels and their billionaire oligarchs (it's a global mafia) as we can verify by scanning the daily news for evidence. The middle class are being if they haven't already been eviscerated. Not just in the UK but "we're all Fabians now." If Americans feel their homeland has been "turned into a wasteland" they are correct. Look around. Mass immigration, fentanyl killing between 75,000 and 100,000 people a year (who is killing the customer?), self-destructive white guilt and some areas in many major cities turned into no go zones. Then include most Americans being politicized (politics of identity) who are at war with each other over political ideologies with most universities being Bolshevik training institutions in woke ideology. If this isn't all destructive socially and economically, toss in the fact that America has been gutted and pillaged by Israel. America doesn't exist for America or Americans, it exists for Israel with every US senate and congressional member owned by AIPAC. What we don't read about in most analysis is the central banks using inflation to steal from the working class in this predator and prey ecosphere. The ONLY way to "make America healthy again" is a genuine populist monetary reform movement. There is no other way. This should be made a national imperative but we know the forces arrayed against America will never under any circumstances allow that to happen. All out war is the only alternative and it is bearing down on us fast.

America's Reckoning With Reality

The major parties' national conventions paper over the facts of the Uniparty's anti-American agenda.

By Douglas MacGregor | August 24, 2024

The Republican and Democratic National Conventions, always heavy on glamor and light on substance, are over. It's time to move beyond sloganeering and address reality.

In the United States, the price of food is up 21 percent in three years. Thirty-year mortgage rates were 3.7 percent; they are now 7 percent. Rents are skyrocketing, car loan delinquencies are rising and, last year, there were at least 150,000 reports of American children going missing in what is becoming a child-trafficking emergency.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

How did we go from Moses and a god damn burning bush to an extortion racket?

Editor's note: When Jews do bad things they do bad things very well. This story was sourced from: Israel caught red-handed in an extortion scheme against the father of a former Florida Senate President and in a sex trafficking frame-up of a sitting U.S. congressman and……. It never ends does it? Our grandchildren and their children are going to be exposed to "holocaust survivors" for the next 100 years. "Holocaust survivors" never die. They keep getting replenished decade after decade. They are like rechargeable batteries. 

Why get f#cked by somebody else when you can buy a car from me?

Editor's note: One cannot put into words the nonsense we are listening to with this Bolshevik Nomenklatura talking about America. Look at Kamala Harris as a repository of the psychological malaise affecting the majority of Americans. Russia is preparing for all out symmetrical (not asymmetrical) war with the NATO (the US), and thousands of Americans are dying every year of fentanyl overdose (fentanyl war on America) while Americans are listening to this nonsensical gibberish. US presidents run nothing. They are cutouts who come and go used to pacify the spilt minds (see deprogramming people of the deep state psyop) of voting Americans. Whatever they say or talk about makes absolutely no sense. Have you ever watched the used car salesman in a commercial when he actually asks, "Why get f#cked by somebody else when you can buy a car from me?" That's Kamala Harris

That ever elusive creature the virus

Editor's note: Again, what are viruses? Picking up from where we left off, the plandemic 2.0 PSYOP is picking up momentum in several small towns in Massachusetts seeding the public's perception about deadly viruses. The horror show continues and the question must be asked: Are genetically modified mosquitoes that vaccinate humans now causing cases of malaria in the US for first time since 2003? This story was sourced from: Massachusetts towns implement voluntary evening lockdowns to curb spread of deadly mosquito-borne disease. Prepare yourselves for more mass scare tactics in preparation for the next scamdemic that will be blamed on that ever elusive creature the virus.

For the times they are a changin'...

Editor's note: ...means more and more countries are joining BRICS. The Anglo-American empire is not going to sit idly by watching. Don't get this confused with Christian eschatology either but the world is moving rapidly to a major escalation of war. Multiple sources are reporting that Belarus has deployed troops to the Ukrainian border for a possible military operation to move into Kiev. The Russian Wagner PMCs have been in Belarus for the past year training the Belarus military which means if the Belarus military moves on Kiev it will be brutal. Belarus has a total of 445,000 available personnel with 63,000 active personnel and 290,000 reserves. This blog is done freely without scrounging for loot or using exaggerated claims for click bait while attempting to bring this information to a wider public audience. If that's even possible on a Google blog. The US Treasury has now threatened to sanction countries that host Russian banks. All the stops are out as the US goes hyperbolic in its now open war with Russia. Use caution out there. It is a treacherous mine field of fakery, duplicity, deception and unbelievable ignorance.

Countdown To Crisis, Catastrophe and Collapse

Monday, August 26, 2024

Vaccine week: Four myths about vaccines

Editor's note: This story was sourced from: Israel coordinates entry of over a million polio vaccines into Gaza. Then we go from Gaza to Japan. Japan is the most vaccine captured market in the world with over 80 percent of Japanese Covid injected many multiple times up to 6 and 7 times. That is a dosage rate of 310 doses for 100 Japanese people. In Japan, parents receive a post card from their local city halls where their family registers are filed notifying parents their young girls starting at 11 years-old are "required" to have their cervical cancer (the standard virus explanation) prevention vaccine for HPV (Human papillomavirus). And parents in Japan unquestionably and dutifully take their young daughters off to have their cervical cancer prevention injections received. The pharmaceutical cartels have one objective and one objective alone and that is to sell drugs and vaccines. Japan experienced what the drug cartels called a "vaccine hesitancy crisis" putting a serious dent in vaccine sales. And now onto Gaza...suspicions are running high on these polio vaccines.

Point your boney fingers at --------------> Israel - The fight is on

Editor's note: The arrest of the Telegram Founder-CEO, Pavel Durov in France at the behest of US intelligence (below report: NSA' s previous inspector general Robert Storch's wife, Sara Lord is likely a British asset) really hit a nerve for those who have been following these events. There are people being arrested all around the world where there no longer exists free speech. There is now total warfare against free speech being a highly coordinated effort by the US (US corporation trampling on free speech and it goes global), UK, Israel and NATO to prevent the Russian military from using Telegram with such effectiveness. Any American, say again, American who wants to get in this fight is welcome to following the lead of Rep. Matt Gaetz and Tore. Rep. Gaetz knows all about Israeli extortion and blackmail. There is turbulence coming on a large scale and whatever is headed America's way the election will be all about free speech.

Know your eyes

Telegram Arrest Call To Action – Tore Says

August 26, 2024 | Forbidden Knowledge

The arrest of Telegram Founder-CEO, Pavel Durov by the deranged EU-French government on Saturday is ringing a lot of alarm bells for anyone who cares about the internet and Freedom of Speech – and really, for anyone with a pulse, who doesn't want our civilization to descend into total barbarism.

The Russian government is reportedly working to free Telegram Founder, Pavel Durov from custody in France, with the Russian embassy in Paris accusing French authorities of "refusing to cooperate" and of "blocking" Russian embassy officials in Paris from visiting with him.

Know your eyes

Editor's note: The world just moved into unknown territory. The media reports all the time about the "five eyes" countries and now the "nine eyes" countries, but what they won't identify is the 6th eye: Israel. The world is now moving into extremely perilous times as all out war is being intentionally provoked. This story was sourced from: CIA and Nine Eyes Efforts To Control Speech Around the World Likely Behind Pavel Durov Arrest.

News update for 27 August 2024: EU to Telegram - We're coming to get you

Sunday, August 25, 2024

UK-US-NATO terrorists continue their terror war on Russia

Editor's note: The great sea power Britain in its 200 year long war against the great land power Russia devolves into drone and missile exchanges. The UK-US-NATO-directed terrorist proxy military in Ukraine just flew a drone into a non-military civilian target deep inside Russia. This story was sourced from: Ukrainian drones strike apartment blocks deep inside Russia (VIDEOS). A video posted on Telegram (Telegram is under major assault) at the RT news site shows the moment a Ukrainian-directed drone hit a 38-story apartment building in Saratov, a city of 950,000 people in western Russia. NATO has no real strategy to fight Russia so the only thing NATO can resort to are indiscriminate terrorist attacks on Russia. Most of the Ukrainian launched drones were shot down by Russian air defenses but apparently, several got through including this one. The NATO terrorists are doing everything they can including targeting and killing Russian civilians to provoke Russia into a far larger war. Shortly after this UK-US-NATO-directed attack on Russian civilian infrastructure, Russia launched one of its most intense missile strikes on Ukrainian territory.  And now that Russian ISR has located the F16s dropped into Ukraine it won't be long before they are targeted and destroyed.

In the vice-like grips of central bankers

Editor's note: The pirate City of London's continued commercial proxy war against Russia with over 5,800 and rising dead Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries (mostly German and Polish) killed in the incursion into Kursk. The Russians are now considering reactivating the Russian Cossacks to defend Russia's border regions from being threatened. Once again, we read in this erudite analysis the central banks being behind all the fear, madness and terror. It demonstrates the extreme anti-human and anti-civilizational forces behind the bloodline aristocratic largely unknown families (and their oligarchs) who own the central banks. The question is asked "is Vladimir Putin still owned as a controlled opposition globalist tool?" If this is the case then can the same be said of Donald Trump? Trump's task is to take America to the far right in a specified direction without going off the rails. What is Putin's task? So far, over one million Ukrainian Slavs are dead. 

The Not So Brief History of the City Of London's Western Agenda: provoking Apocalyptic WWIII Fear, Madness and Terror

August 20, 2024 | By Joachim Hagopian

Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Empire in 1991 marking the end of the Cold War, the United States and NATO have demonstrated a fixed pattern fomenting conflict opposing their "axis-of-evil" enemy Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. The year prior on February 9th, 1990, US Secretary of State James Baker under President George H.W. Bush delivered the reneged promise to the last Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not move "one inch eastward." But since that fateful historical deception, the NATO alliance has busily doubled its size, advancing "eastward" into Central and Eastern Europe 16 more times, for today's total of 32 anti-Russian NATO members, expanding right up to Russia's western border now poised to face off in a World War III scenario.

The Censorship Industrial Complex makes its move

Editor's note: In order to take control over and shut down all communications about the events unfolding in this UK-US-NATO proxy war against Russia using Ukraine, the US State Department, the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies have now gone after Telegram. US authorities had French authorities arrest Telegram Founder/CEO, Pavel Durov. The US policy planners and people responsible for waging a proxy war against Russia are losing the cyber war on Telegram. Think about this censorship for a moment where the US can have anyone arrested at its will considering the previous discussion on the central banks and commercial banks being linked to intelligence agencies to control blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies?

News update for 27 August 2024EU to Telegram - We're coming to get you 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

American Catholics have a decision to make

Editor's note: If you are a Catholic parent, or any parent for that matter, why are you having your children celebrate their birthdays every year without understanding "origin begins at fertilization" and the consequences of not teaching children and yourselves of being birth certified? Your children born into the Catholic Church are birth certified then trafficked as corporate commercial commodities. Commercial property. Not private property. Let that sink in. Would you seriously allow someone without authority to stick a syringe into your private property? How does your Catholic faith and spirituality make compromises with that? Do not take this concept lightly: "If everyone in the world right now claimed the origin of their fertilization the entire banking system would collapse." The Catholic Church (Rome) and the Federal Reserve have claimed your property at birth acting as your "mother." See the etymological origin of the meaning of Federal Reserve:

Origin Begins at Fertilization - Catholic Church: Reform or Leave America

A Note to American Catholics

By Anna Von Reitz | August 22, 2024

It has been -- wrongly -- alleged that I "hate" Catholics. This is not true.

I have cause to know the core values that sincere Catholics hold dear, and however I differ in doctrine, I can respect and appreciate the many contributions that the Roman Catholic Church has made to the progress of civilization and the cause of "organized compassion".

Knowing the good and even great side of the Church does not overall persuade me to approve of the terrible things that have been done in the name of its secular administration --- things like the Inquisition.

It comes down to who will control blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies

Editor's note: The American people have been fleeced and looted by oligarchs who control the commercial banks and central banks. Why be sympathetic for these people? This "pig" (greed ) banker gets 24 years for embezzling $47.1 million on a cryptocurrency scam. If 1,600 of the brightest scientific minds in technology signed a letter calling both crypto and blockchain a sham, why is RFK Jr promoting blockchain technology as the future? Americans need to seriously step away from this technology and start thinking about what is going on here. There is now a fight over the control of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies that is going to mark how we proceed from this point forward. Are we going to sleep walk into a world where intelligence agencies (the surveillance state), central banks and commercial banks fuse into the same financial entity? If that happens the only outcome will be total surveillance and Americans will lose control. Or are we going to fight head on these groups and institutions that have looted American wealth for over a century? Most people know absolutely nothing about what this technology can do. People need to start educating themselves with urgency. The central banks will create a self-inflicted cyber attack (WEF spokesperson Klaus Schwab and his "shock events") on systems in order to gain total control over blockchain technologies and digital (cryptos) currencies like programmable CBDCs. The US government is not legitimate without a legitimate populist monetary system.

Friday, August 23, 2024

That's quite an impressive chest full of ribbons

Editor's note: While the US Navy moves their assets into the Middle East to protect Israel and with the possibility of US military personnel dying for Israel, this is who is at the head of the US Navy. She knows absolutely nothing about Russian military tactics, strategy and operations. She has more ribbons on her chest than General Patton and General Eisenhower combined. Now that the Pentagon is bragging it has "gotten into the head space" of Iran, how will that work out with an alleged 17 support ships sidelined due to manpower issues? The US military is biting off more than it can chew considering it is warning also of an "imminent conflict" in the Pacific. That should send those defense (war) contractor stocks up.

Leave Illinois while you still can

Editor's note: As this blog has stated over and over again arm yourselves then get professional training on how to apply lethal force when required. A foreign mercenary army of immigrants are being brought into America to eventually cause as much chaos, mayhem and crime as possible and unless you prepare this could happen to anyone at anytime and anywhere. Cities like Chicago are gone. This murder happened in Chicago. Chicago is now tied with Las Vegas for the highest unemployment rate in the US. Chicago is a "sanctuary city" with businesses and individuals leaving in droves. Crime in Chicago rose an astounding 82% in two years and it is only going to get worse. Illinois is doomed. The best advice is to leave and if you decide to stay prepare yourselves.

I have said before, these illegal feral animals from Latin America, Middle East, North Africa etc. must be put down, shot dead where they stand when they do these crimes! Carlos Carreno-Carreno, 20,

Carlos Carreno-Carreno, 20, Wilker Gutierrez-Sierra, 21, Fernando Loyo-Rodriguez, 22, and Yonnier Guasamucare-Garcia, 18, all Venezuelan nationals living in Chicago’s shelter system, were arrested for

By Dr. Paul Alexander | August 22, 2024

a brutal assault committed on a Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) train. Police said the four lured a 49-year-old passenger to the back of a train and then beat him while they robbed him.

"Cozy relationships" set the example in Britain

Editor's note: Here is another example of government by media from the UK. Declassified UK is an excellent source of journalism exposing the duplicity of Whitehall. How is it even possible to have a media when it is owned and controlled by oligarchs? Then there is this recent gem being reported from the UK: UK Riots: The UK is under the biggest PsyOp of the 21st century

Amber de Botton: From Downing Street To The Guardian

Why would the Guardian employ a Tory prime minister's spin doctor as its new communications chief?

By Mark Curtis | August 22, 2024

"Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away with more and more", says the Guardian in a fundraising plea to its readers.

So why has the paper recently appointed Amber de Botton, Rishi Sunak's former director of communications, as its new chief communications officer?

Thursday, August 22, 2024

There is no going back as we play with madness

Editor's note: How do you even know anything is real anymore or how much of what you are seeing and hearing as "news" is actually real? Most people are living in a "reality" they themselves did not create and have no influence over. They are simply acting in response to external stimulation. When the population has been captured anything is possible. You can even convince them an alien invasion is imminent and they will do exactly what they are told. It is a total blitzkrieg digital mind fuck psyop with the media now acting as the government to initiate populations into full compliance. When this goes down in Britain it will be replicated on the British corporate plantation in America. Research indicates people are becoming less intelligent, more emotionally incontinent, more depressed and frighteningly narcissistic. That friends who are still cognizant, is a recipe for the total take over of minds and thought. There is no fixing this. The techno-capitalist phenomenon is accelerating and there is no going back as we play with madness...

UK Riots: The UK is under the biggest PsyOp of the 21st century

A shit storm is coming...

Editor's note: ...if these Bolsheviks move into the White House. Comrade Kamala Harris represents corporate communism as she uses Bolshevik sloganeering like "we exist in the context of our world around us" to gaslight Americans. Harris along with her sidekick Nomenklatura Walz. This communist has nothing to offer the American people. She was placed where she is without merit. Horrible Harris has done nothing in seven years in her government salaried positions. She is an "empty pantsuit, basking in the glow of positive media coverage and unburdened by accountability." Harris represents government by media. These Bolsheviks worship themselves and could care less about the American people having nothing but contempt for them. Then when we read from H.L. Mencken can we ask whether or not the American people brought all this on themselves?
"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." ― H.L. Mencken  

Americans now on Russian territory killing Russians (British brains; American muscle)

Editor's note: American mercenaries are in Russia killing Russians with confirmed reports Ukrainian terrorists are killing Russian civilians (31 Russian civilians have been killed and more than 140 others have been wounded). Russia's Vladimir Putin visited Chechnya recently on what was described as an "unexpected visit", but what Putin was actually doing in Chechnya was working with Ramzan Kadyrov to have Chechen fighters move into the Kursk region to hunt down Ukrainian terrorists along with embedded foreign mercenaries from Poland, France, the US (dead Americans reported in Konopelka) and Britain (see Britain Claims To Have Helped With The Ukrainian Invasion Of Russia). Western media stories about Putin's visit to Chechnya are incongruent and portray a false story. This of course is expected as the US continues planning for a larger war against Russia. Read Here's why Putin's latest trip is so important for the emerging world order that tells a completely different story. This story was sourced from: Kursk is under NATO attack: American forces have been detected – A US diplomat is in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for explanations (vid, photo).

Californians are going to end up selling vegetables to each other on street corners

Editor's note: Sounds pretty incredible the Bolshevik states of California and New York are going to place an "exit tax" on those residence who decide to leave those two states because of high taxes and crime. It's a shake down but then what do you expect with the  way California and New York are being run and where the Pentagon runs Silicone Valley? The once beautiful, prosperous and safe "golden state" run into the ground by communists and takers. The biggest problem facing California are the 340,000 public employees with $100,000 paychecks (Newsom's voter base) sucking $45 billion out California taxpayers. Thousands of those taxpayers are struggling and are not seen or heard of with their personal struggles. And since we already know most jobs are bullshit, what exactly are these 340,000 public employees doing everyday? In addition to that there are roughly 80,000 retired public employees collecting pensions of $100,000 (the issue of pension spiking). New York also has their "$100,000 club." That level of greed is not sustainable. In addition to all this, Newsom being a climate change fanatic, is also attempting to prevent California residence from installing solar panels to reduce their electrical utility costs.

Goodbye California and New York – Wealth Exodus Continues

August 21, 2024 | By Martin Armstrong

The exodus from blue states has not waned since the pandemic. Americans are seeking lower taxes, crime, and tyranny as half of our nation descends into utter chaos. A recent poll by SmartAsset found that Americans earning $200,000 or more have been the most eager to flee states like New York and California.

California and New York have lost more high-earners, and therefore higher taxpayers, than any other states. California is the least desirable state with an average outflow of 24,670 high-income households with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $1.3m. New York is not far behind, with a net outflow of 12,040 high-earning households worth an average AGI of $1.1m.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Some free advertising for Pfizer and Moderna

Editor's note: Corporate Bolsheviks are the best friends and allies of corporations especially the pharmaceutical cartels in this commercial (the waters of commerce) war on humanity. Kamala Harris just demonstrated this when it was announced "Harris has a new COVID vax mandate for all campaign employees." This is gaslighting. Except for one thing: Mandates are illegal and this has been demonstrated over the past four years. Harris doesn't have the authority to mandate a medical procedure so what is going on here? Well, Pfizer and Moderna are releasing their "new" COVID injections this month. Harris & Co. are doing a sales presentation for Pfizer and Moderna. When you read the following linked essay, it will become clearer in this commercial war why Harris is "mandating" Covid injections for campaign employees.

Kamala Harris Mandates Covid Jabs for Campaign Workers?

Kamala Harris Has a New COVID Vax Mandate for All Campaign Employees

What year is it again?

August 17, 2024 | By vnninfluencers

This article originally appeared on The Dossier and was republished with permission.

Guest post by Jordan Schachtel

The Kamala Harris for President campaign is still trying to make Covid-19 a thing, despite it being the year 2024 and we've moved on to new Current Things like Bird Flu, Monkeypox (whoops, I meant mpox), and other stuff.

Democratic Narcissistic Convention in Chicago

Editor's note: Here is what Americans can expect if these Bolsheviks come to power in November. This story was sourced from: Former Chicago Chief of Detectives on DNC Elites 'Feasting' Like Royalty, in Their Fortified Castle Walled Off from Reality (Video). The seven year-old girl who was shot and killed within blocks of the United Center where these Bolsheviks had their self-admiration convention is systemic. These Bolsheviks had Chicago more tightly secured than the US southern border. Chicago has seen 2,005 people shot since January, 2024 with 393 homicides. What is the solution? #Walkaway

As far as a modern nation state is concerned...

Editor's note: ...Germany can be written off. The US-UK-NATO axis of fascist evil are responsible for the largest industrial act of terrorism to have taken place by sabotaging the Nord Stream Pipelines. The industrial terror attacks won't stop either as the US-UK-NATO-backed terrorists attacked a large oil refinery in Russia in this commercial proxy war. The Germans know who was responsible for the sabotage but as Dmitry Polyanskiy, the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations has stated, Germany refuses to cooperate. Russia's Foreign Minster Sergey Lavrov has been insisting Germany cooperate with Russia in the investigation stating Germany is deflecting blame. The UK-US represent the long history of the corporate fascist global power structure and this commercial proxy war on Russia including sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines is representative of the absolute extremes these corporate fascists in the west will go to in their commercial war on the world. Once the culprits are identified then it will be time for Lloyd's of London to pay up on a €400 million claim for damages.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Monkeys sure are getting a bad name for themselves

Editor's note: Again, what is a virus? Don't worry, the experts from WHO, the WEF, the pharmaceutical cartels and their captured regulatory agencies are here to help.

Gain-of-Function Mutation Found in Monkeypox

Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection

By 2nd Smartest Guy In the World | August 20, 2024

As yet another global scamdemic "emergency" in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…

America is going to get b*tch slapped

Editor's note: "This is our time America" when the US corporation is in a full scale commercial proxy war of attrition against Russia? We are living in a f#cking clown world and this clip demonstrates it. In this toxic dangerous environment of distrust, social breakdown, uncertainty, nihilistic hatred, greed and envy, voting is literally an act of terrorism - against you. The US is a country with institutions run by psychopaths. The US corporation is in a war against the world and on humanity and this gaslighting psycho Clinton is screaming at Americans "this is our time America?" Russia and China are going to appear on America's doorstep sooner than later and bitch slap America.

Terrorist regime in Kiev is on notice by the Russian FSB

Editor's note: Understand that the Russian FSB will track down and hold these US-backed  (CIA) Ukrainian terrorists responsible for this crime. As far as the Russians are concerned these are terrorists and not soldiers. The rules of war no longer apply. As such they will be captured, given a trial and executed under the laws covering terrorism. This story was sourced from: Ukrainian troops 'kidnapping' Russian civilians (VIDEO). The US regime backed these Ukrainian terrorists in their incursion into Kursk. The US official policy is now "a sponsor of state terrorism" and everyone should be put on notice. The Russians are now going to turn Kursk into a mass grave for the US-NATO-backed Ukrainian terrorists. There are also reports appearing that Ukrainian terrorists are taking Russians out of their homes and executing them.

Battle for the Soul of the Nation - Battle of Ideas and Systems

Editor's note: If you watch this video it describes what is happening in America and in all western countries. Alissa Azar is from Syria. She is an outside foreign agitator. What does that mean? It means color revolution and she was trained by an NGO for this kind of social agitation. This is foreign agitation in the battle of ideas and systems. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was established in 1982 by actor Ronald Reagan. The purpose of NED was to engage in Project Democracy - a battle of ideas and systems. So there is now a color revolution taking place against both in America and Israel. When an NGO shows up at your doorstep talking about democracy you know your country has been targeted for destabilization. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Welcome to Britain

Editor's note: This is the end of Britain. It should be pointed out in 1930 the Pentagon drew up plans to bomb Britain. Perhaps it is time to dig those plans out, dust them off then coordinate a strike on Britain with Russia as Americans before this insanity hits America. Americans can start by removing that bust of Winston Churchill decorating the lobby of the Pentagon, draw closer to Russia as natural allies, then figure out a better future. A "better future" means understanding what the three branches of the government are then slicing out the United States of America, Incorporated (British Territorial, Incorporated) section.

#Walkaway to Russia

Editor's note: It very well may be coming down to the decision to pick your tribe then arm yourselves as we witness the disintegration of the west. If you live in a collapsing western country especially the UK and the US and are tired of the Bolshevik communist assault on your values, your ability to produce food, and the radical leftist assault on your ability to earn a living, then make a decision to migrate to Russia. #Walkaway could very well mean preparing yourselves to leave for Russia.

Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals

"No Quota, No Language Test" - Putin Invites Families with Traditional Values to Move to Russia

If your country persecutes you because you have traditional Christian values, then President Vladimir Putin has just rolled out the red carpet

MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Russia will provide assistance to those who do not accept destructive neoliberal attitudes in their countries that contradict traditional values. A decree on preferential treatment when relocating to Russia as humanitarian support was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Boycott the DNC in Chicago - #Walkaway

Editor's note: Why not instead vote for yourself and #Walkaway? Don't go to Chicago. Leave the place empty during the DNC as Americans now clearly understand how they are being manipulated by the two political party system in the central bank and corporate controlled US. Divide and conquer: Who are you going to vote for, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? Why are you participating in this system? Why are you patronizing it? Use AI in a creative way like this clip exposing the uniparty system. Why would you participate knowingly in a death cult system? They've turned America into a wasteland of woke collective insanity...

Do not participate in this system - "#Walkaway"

Editor's note: The Bolsheviks and communism was always a central banking and corporation ideological weapon (wedge) used to drive people against each other to destroy people and cultures. Kamala Harris is an asset of the pirate City of London and has been vetted to be where she presently is. In the ultimate central banking and corporate power dynamics, communism through their Bolshevik Nomenklatura always leads to mass imprisonments and deaths after destroying the private economy by setting the "proletariat" (wage earner) against the "bourgeoisie" (business owners and merchants). Look who are out in the streets battling the police in the UK: The proletariat and the bourgeoisie (both Marxist concepts). Why are people in the streets protesting by pelting stones at each other and at the police while the central banking and their corporate Bolshevik Nomenklatura remain behind their institutionalized positions unmolested? That is the intended purpose of weaponized ideology. It's not whether or not Kamala Harris isn't an idiot, it's her handlers who make the decisions. The Democratic Party isn't a political party. It is a criminal syndicate hiding behind a political party and their thugs are out breaking kneecaps. Be sure to get your free abortion or vasectomy at the mobil unit at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Ideologically-driven leftists have succumbed to a virulent brain disease. There is no hope for them.

For Over 150 Years, Democratic Party Operatives Have Infiltrated, Coopted and Destroyed Independent Political Movements in the U.S.

The Most Dangerous Question of 2024 — What If Kamala Harris Isn't an Idiot?

August 18, 2024 | By Tom Luongo | 7 Comments

On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, after a coup against their former standard-bearer Joe Biden, we face a very disturbing question.
What if Kamala Harris isn't the idiot the media has made her out to be?

First come huge loans, then the pound of flesh for unpaid loans and finally the jackals to either overthrow or assassinate

Editor's note: A bit old but still very much in effect. This is not an exaggeration either. This explains why Henry Kissinger who was the covert head of the petroleum faction was in Iraq as Kissinger & Associates.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

WHO: Tedros Ghebreyesus: What is a virus?

Editor's note: What is the first thing you think about when you are confronted with the description "virus." Most people who have been trained by the pharmaceutical cartels literally freak out. They simply believe it as a religious faith. The US and the UK are going to see coming severe Covid-style lockdowns in this upcoming Moneypox™ or possible chicken jumping "virus" assault on nations. Germ theory and viruses have been an extremely lucrative fraud perpetrated on humanity ever since Pasteur's germ theory took on its monstrous proportions by the pharmaceutical cartels (see Pharmaceuticals - The Sorceries of Babylon) who worship Apollo as their God.
"Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur's germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity." – E. Douglas Hume
The following linked paper was prepared by Dr. Sam Bailey and 19 other MDs and scientists titled, "Settling the Virus Debate", claim that viruses don't exist in the real world. They are only computer simulations, but no viruses have ever been isolated. The paper can be read here:

The "Settling The Virus Debate" Statement

WHO declares Monkeypox a global threat...or something

By Jon Rappoport | August 18, 2024

It's now called by the shorter name, Mpox. Soon to be Pox. Then Ox. Then X.

It's another virus which, like all viruses, doesn't exist. Because no one has ever isolated a virus.

British denizens

Editor's note: Remember the British Covid thespian (" I will take £10,000 sterling a day.") "crying" when it was announced the kill shots were available in the UK? If you succumbed to the ferocious Covid assault on civilizations and took the injections and now want compensation for injuries it is too late. The British birth certified corporate subject slave citizens are merely corporate property as determined by the private law merchants in the pirate City of London as British denizens. However, if one claimed their rights under the law of self-determination and demonstrated their legal status then these injections would be trespassing on private property (your private biological property has become public goods in commerce). But how many people know this or understand the legal mechanisms at work here? Sadly, very few. Belief doesn't change your reality. This is why the Covid-19 jab victims in the UK are claimed to be "not disabled enough" to receive compensation for injuries.

14,000 people in the UK have claimed compensation for serious covid vaccine injuries; it is just the tip of the iceberg

By Rhoda Wilson | August 18, 2024 | 14 Comments

Nearly 14,000 people in Britain have applied for payments from the government for alleged harm caused by covid vaccines. This is just the tip of the iceberg as 365,000 serious adverse events, including death, have been reported to the Yellow Card scheme so far.

The UK's Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme ("VDPS") offers a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000 to people who have been severely disabled as a result of vaccination against certain diseases, including covid-19. The scheme is administered by the Department of Health and Social Care.
Looking into our circumstances...