Thursday, May 30, 2024

1694 to 2024: 330 years of central private banking with subservient governments

Editor's note: The actual amount William of Orange borrowed from William Paterson (more precisely from the "investors" backing Paterson) was £1.2 million. William Paterson "proposed a loan of £1,200,000 to the Government." In return, the subscribers would be incorporated as the Governor and Company of the Bank of England (BoE). Established by Royal Charter in 1694 the Bank of England became the model for the system of central banks throughout the world until this very day, not withstanding it was initially modelled on the bank of Amsterdam as a national bank. The BoE is a privately held bank and the public face of this private banking conglomerate was William Paterson. A privately owned bank was established under the governmental sounding name the Bank of England. The rest was history as this private banking structure unfortunately migrated to America deep from within the bowels of the secret mystery schools of Europe. In 1913 "America" was lost to this private banking and intelligence syndicate. This had the effect of eventually forcing all merchants, along with all other citizens, to store their gold and other valuables with the new bank: "The Bank of England notes drove private notes out of circulation at an early stage with the result that a cheque system was well developed by the middle of the century." The state became subservient to the private bankers and that is the way it is today right down to 2024 where we are debt slaves.

The culmination of central banking after roughly three-hundred years of predation:

Dubious Debt Rage, Root Cause of Poverty. Global Debt of $315 Trillion

Central bankers' sophistry and the BoE

War is the DNA of central banking

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