Thursday, May 30, 2024

Challenging thoughts about the Challenger and NASA

Editor's note: Most of what Americans think they know about NASA is false. Since the Apollo missions NASA has walked off with billions of dollars in funding. What does NASA have to show for the American people for the alledged $25 billion spent annually? We are told "for every dollar spent on NASA adds more than $8 to the US economy." Really? How can that be when the US is being driven by a financialized system leading to a rentier class controlled by Wall Street and the pirate City of London? What Americans see coming out of NASA is nothing but propaganda to justify $25 billion a year. If NASA didn't go to the Moon as that confrontational discussion continues to take place, where is all the money? If NASA utilizes most of this money on Earth where is it? It is likely being spent for underground facilities by what has been best described as the "breakaway civilization." Freemasons have been involved since the beginnings of NASA. If there was a group who could pull off a great hoax to fool nearly the entire planet, it would be possible through the Freemasons. The number of astronauts who were Freemasons is astonishing. Some would argue it was an eagle on the Masonic flag used on the alleged Moon landing, while others with a deeper esoteric understanding would see it as a Phoenix. If it was a Phoenix we have an entirely different understanding of events and our circumstances. 


Challenger Astronauts Allegedly Alive

May 29, 2024 | Forbidden Knowledge

On May 21st, a citizen came before Florida's Brevard County Commission to confront them with the fact that alleged victims of the 1986 Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster are still alive. It appears that NASA is laundering US Tax Dollars and lying to the People – and they're doing it with Duper’s Delight!

Citizen: I think we all remember the Challenger explosion that took place in 1986 that tragically took the lives of all seven astronauts on board. It launched not too far from where we're standing here, today.

Well, the interesting thing is a couple decades later, this thing called the internet came about and someone allegedly found almost all of those astronauts alive and well, many using the same exact names.

As you can see here, we have Challenger astronaut Judith Resnick – and also a Judith Resnick Yale Law Professor. Michael J Smith, the pilot of the Challenger astronaut – and also professor at University of Wisconsin, now retired, Michael J Smith. Commander Dick Scobie – who is now president of Cows in Trees.

Now, if you'll notice, (See video for pictures) they all have the exact same faces, 30 some-odd years later, the same exact name, and they are the same age.

Now, we all have a doppelganger out there, right? No big deal. But to have the same face, the same age, and the same exact name is extremely rare. So rare, I could only find one case in the last 120 years.

And we’re supposed to believe that three people from one space flight have exact lookalikes, have the same age and same exact names?

This, ladies and gentlemen, is beyond statistically impossible. Miss Resnick was questioned at Yale by a journalist and she panicked and ran from the camera. Why?

Mr Michael J Smith was also questioned and he said, "Yeah, we look alike but that's not me."

You can see both of these exchanges in a film called 'Level With Me' and you can be the judge. Mr Scobie not only has –

Please go to Forbidden Knowledge to continue reading.

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