Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The collective west's commercial war of attrition against Russia is based on economics

Editor's note: Every ruble counts in this proxy commercial war of attrition (and terror) against Russia as the Russian government under Vladamir Putin rearranges Russian internal positions as strategies develop. Putin named the new minister of defense with Andrey Belousov who is a civilian economist replacing General Shoigu. Shoigu has been moved to the head of the national security council indicating Russia is going for minimum damage to the economy and maximum impact on the battlefield. It's all about the money and how it is spent in Russia. US state propaganda sources condescendingly calls these new appointments "goons." While UK state propaganda sources stated "Putin fires his bungling defense minister" (also see Maria Zakharova smacks UK PM Sunak, calls him a "liar.") It is not a "shakeup" as the west erroneously states. Belousov is not your typical textbook economist or college professor type like the bullshit artists passing off as economists in the west. Belousov is an economist on the ground and knows the Russian military and tactics have been settled, now it is an economic war against Russia and the collective west while the US sends their top diplomat to Kiev "rockin' in the free world":

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