Thursday, May 23, 2024

"Eliminating the spirit with medicine"

Editor's note: White hats? How do they keep their hats so white? DARPA is part of the DoD that was behind the Covid injections coming up with the mRNA technology then rolled out under military emergency conditions called "Emergency Use Authorization" (EUA) only. Call it war. Know anyone at DARPA? Pioneers of death and Moderna is their mercenary corporation. We can only imagine what kind of malevolent psychos are working inside DARPA labs with a yearly budget of over $4 billion. DARPA and Moderna's work on mRNA technology goes back to 2017 and when the global Covid assault on humanity kicked off they were handed a silver spoon. We are living in what has been referred to as a "predator and prey ecosphere." Make damn sure you know DARPA is the predator in this ecosphere.


International Public Notice: For Actual White Hats

May 22, 2024 | By Anna Von Reitz

Bill Gates admits that the "vaccines" contained self-assembling nano-tech:

Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech. Self Replicating Nanobots Found in Both the Vaxxed and Unvaxxed

DARPA owns the patent, which we have published in prior Articles. 

Now, can someone find time to track down the licensing of this biowarfare technology from DARPA to Microsoft, Inc.? 

My bloodhounds are busy this week, but someone already has this information at hand.

Thank you from the whole world in advance.

The rest of you are authorized to issue international and global arrest warrants for the Licensing Agents, members of Microsoft, Inc., patent holders, share holders, and employees of both DARPA and Microsoft., as well as Bill and Melinda Gates.

They are to be charged with treason, misprision of treason, conspiracy to commit inland piracy, biowarfare, crimes against humanity, enslavement, fraud, personage, unlawful conversion, reckless endangerment, genocide, and all related commercial crimes.

It makes sense to start with the patent holder and the licensee seeking to benefit itself and the patent holder by this genocide and pollution of the genome of mankind.

After the license is presented and details known, trial may commence. Extraterritorial force is justified. Deadly force is justified. 

Biological warfare:

Total Massacre of Red Blood Cells by DARPA hydrogel in COVID vaccines & PCR nylon test tips

Coronavirus Gives a Dangerous Boost to DARPA's Darkest Agenda

Here are some protocols if you have been assaulted by DARPA and Moderna:

During the next expected global faked or engineered pandemic you won't be given a medical procedure with a syringe:

Don't forget DARPA:

DARPA is also implicated in this mess:

Weapons and more weapons to kill people in this predator and prey ecosphere:

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