Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Land of the Setting Sun As Extinction Is Planned for Japan

Editor's note: Japan's economy is getting hammered with the yen to dollar exchange rate today being at ¥154 to $1 USD. Foreigners have capitalized on this exchange rate with a reported 3 million foreign visitors to Japan since January, 2024. It is almost as if these 3 million foreigners are coming to a quaint little country to pay their last respects to a G7 country that tried an interest rate hike that is obviously failing. Japan's debt to GDP is over 260 percent and the Japanese people are going to pay dearly for this. Manufacturing is completely compromised in Japan because the Japanese government is obligated to this enormous debt. This doesn't help either considering cheap Chinese products are flooding the market Japan can't compete against. Japan imports from China were US$188.86 billion during 2022, according to the UN's COMTRADE database on international trade. How is it even possible for Japan to compete against Chna with a rapidly descreasing population? Then throw in the enormous energy costs Japan is going to have to pay buying oil and gas in dollars when China is receiving far cheaper energy from Russia? Simultaneously, with an unsophisticated investing public, Japan is facing an enormous increase in SNS financial scams and fraud that are like a plague on Japanese society. During the first half of 2023 a recorded ¥3 billion was stolen in over 2300 incidents. In 2024 that amount is anticipated to be far higher. 

News update for Japan for 26 April 2024:


Protests in Japan

Thousands of people rallied in Japan on April 13, 2024 against the World Health Organization, the WHO's proposed "Pandemic Treaty" and the COVID-19 jabs.

By James Roguski | April 13, 2024
April 13, 2024, will be etched in the annals of modern Japanese history as tens of thousands of citizens across the nation came together in a series of pandemic rallies. The protests centered on the widespread opposition to the Pandemic Treaty, with escalating concerns over "infectious disease" and "public health" becoming potent tools for an unprecedented push towards what is perceived by many as a totalitarian surveillance society

From the bustling streets of Ikebukuro to the gatherings at Higashi-Ikebukuro Central Park, the sheer scale of participation speaks volumes.

Modern history researcher Prof Chikatsu Hayashi's address was a rallying cry to resist the encroaching shadows of global totalitarianism, symbolically referring to the proactive stance against it as "stopping the third atomic bomb with our hands." His poignant discourse highlighted a national movement poised against not only the Pandemic Treaty but also the underlying structures threatening Japan's sovereignty and the well-being of its citizens.

April 13 marked not just a protest against a treaty but a stand against a future where health becomes a lever for control and surveillance. The massive turnout signifies a critical moment in Japan's civic engagement. It's a call from its people for autonomy, transparency, and the reassessment of global health governance that resonates beyond its borders. Today, Japan stands at the forefront, questioning, challenging, and seeking change for a future where health policy respects national sovereignty and individual rights.

Massive Rallies Break Out in Japan Against WHO's Pandemic Treaty
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The media is extremely censored as the tax regime in Japan become increasingly fascist within its government leadership and top heavy bureaucracy. It is surprising how average Japanese have been able to work around this censorship to organize a large protest against WHO and Covid injections the way they did:

Wherever the US dollar goes the US military is sent to reinforce it. As the US dollar continues to plummet with Japan as a US vassal state, the Japanese will have no choice when they are ordered to step up onto the battlefield against China. It is almost as if Japan is planned for extinction with a war to finish them off.

News update for 19 April 2024:


Japanese Professor delivers stunning message everyone needs to hear

Out of 13 families 8 are dead and 5 have been injured:

Group sues Japan govt. for lack of information on COVID vaccine risks

As if the economy and Japan's financial condition aren't bad enough, the country is continuosly hit with serious earthquakes. This eqrthquake hit the Shikoku area with a magnitude of 6.4. The people in Iwate Prefecture in northeren Japan on the coast of the Sea of Japan are still recovering from an earthquake that destroyed the area.

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