Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Newsom's California sh*thole went from bad to worse...

Editor's note: ...as hundreds of police left the state for Texas. If you haven't taken a look through our special archives on California it may shock you to learn what is really going on inside the Bolshevik run government of California.  While Nancy Pelosi was enriching herself the state of California literally gets turned into a crime infested third world sh*thole where prostitutes work the streets in Los Angeles like in Bogotá, Colombia in thongs and lingerie. It is only going to get far worse in cities like Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles as these cities lose hundreds of police every year.

News update on California for 21 June 2024:

California Archives

Source: RedState

Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies That You Fled'

By Bob Hoge | May 14, 2024
Brian van der Brug/Los Angeles Times via AP

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott responded to a Sunday article in Daily Mail that detailed the large number of cops ditching California for the pastures of Texas, which might not be greener but are certainly more friendly to law enforcement. Morale is low among peace officers in the Golden State as soft-on-crime woke district attorneys like LA's George Gascón and Alameda County's Pamela Price, along with criminal-loving measures like Proposition 47, make them feel undermined and unwelcome.

Thousands of them are getting out of Dodge, the outlet reported:
…the Golden State is hemorrhaging thousands of police every year, with numbers down by more than 5,000 since 2019.

There are now fears that high-crime Californian cities are suffering a brain drain in law enforcement, leaving the public unprotected as criminals run riot.

Ray Bottenfield, a former Santa Monica College Police Captain who retired to Hewitt, Texas, admitted it had become increasingly difficult to retain or recruit officers due to the lack of support from the state. Many of them are headed to the Lone Star State, but Abbott has a warning for them: Never forget that from which you have fled.


"But never forget the leftist policies that you fled," Abbott admonishes. I'm guessing that most law enforcement personnel won't—but the message to civilians should be the same. All too often we've seen Californians and other blue-staters exit the chaos they've helped create only to continue voting for the same progressive policies in their new state and try to bring it to ruin as well.

The article that caught Abbott's attention points out that law enforcement simply does not feel supported by Gov. Gavin Newsom, the state legislature, or even local officials. Many feel their job is simply "pointless":

Please go to RedState to continue learning more.

Linked article from the article above:

A Massive Scandal Is Brewing in Los Angeles After DA George Gascon's Number 3 Is Charged With 11 Felonies

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