Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Go f@ck yourself, Harry!

Editor's note: The peasant slave class all across the world are losing their privileges (corporations grant privileges where as individuals have rights if you protect them) to talk about their circumstances political and otherwise, to dissent and make their voices heard against increasing censorship. Probably much of what we are seeing in Europe and in the US to shut people up is intentionally being done to cause anger. You can't shut people completely up unless you outright kill them. When populations are angered that energy can be vectored into dead end streets. When you get angry your attention has been stolen. Algorithms are primed to capture your attention to pull you into a feudalistic type of existence. The Censorship Industrial Complex is far worse in Europe than it is in the US. That is why Harry and Meghan were sent on a covert assignment. In Europe, censorship is at a critical point where the EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is allegedly calling for "new brain-bending vaccines" to "shield people's minds and to protect democracy." There is no such thing as democracy. Now, if anyone would care to discuss oligarchy then you would be getting somewhere. Oligarchs and the bloodline families coming though the central banks of Europe despise free speech and they despise the peasant slave class even more.

CENSORSHIP FILES Expose the Socialist Agenda Against Free Speech of Both the Aspen Institute – and of Harry & Meghan!


Forbidden.News | May 29, 2024


THE ROYAL GRIFT: This is your daily dose of all things Royal. Welcome back my gorgeous good-looking friends. You are looking at independent journalist Matt Taibbi and for those that don't know who he is, he was one of the two journalists, with Michael Shellenberger who exposed the Twitter Files, exposing the Government's collusion with tech companies in censoring Americans.

What was revealed in this congressional hearing is this Censorship Industrial Complex. Now, if you’ve been following my channel for a while, I have been showing everyone how Harry and Meghan have been very much a part of this censorship machine. And this morning, Matt Taibbi releases a whole set of new information that does implicate Harry and Meghan in this whole scheme, to which I call on Jim Jordan to subpoena this foreign prince on US soil who has been undermining the US Constitution.

Get yourself a cozy beverage and get comfortable, because we're about to light this on fire! Let's get started. Today, I'm going to be bringing to you Matt Taibbi's 'Censorship Files'.

Since the Twitter Files, Racket, in conjunction with Undead FOIA, has sent out hundreds of Freedom of Information requests to publicly-funded anti-disinformation programs across the country, such as the Aspen Institute Commission on Information Disorder, also known as "ACID", for documentation purposes.

On Harry's new website,, he boldly confirms his participation within this group. And he describes this group as coming together with "critical voices across public, private, and civil society landscaped to respond to the challenges created by growing disinformation."

Well, that's not how it was advertised back in April 2021. The goal of this group was to put together this report, which was "aiming to identify and prioritize the most critical sources and causes of information disorder and deliver a set of short-term actions and longer-term goals to help government, the private sector, and civil society respond to this modern-day crisis of faith in key institutions."

In November of 2021, this was the report that was delivered.

Now that we're all caught up with Harry's participation, let's now get into the information that was dropped today. This article, published by Matt Taibbi and Undead FOIA reveals Gary Kasparov's comparison of this Commission on Information Disorder and what they were doing back during that time. Here's what the article had to say:

The list of commissioners was headlined by Katie Couric, Prince Harry, and Chris Krebs, the founding director of the DHS's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, also known as CISA. Also, that same department – and I'm just adding this now – DHS is the one that's holding Harry's visa. So keep that in the back of your head.

Kate Starbird of the University of Washington, a central figure in recent high-profile media features condemning congressional and journalistic investigations of anti-disinfo programs, would join, as well.

Thanks to a FOIA request, Racket submitted to Starbird's employers. We know world chess champion, Gary Kasparov was, at some point on the Commission. He would not remain on it for long.

Aspen's "Information Disorder" team included many who'd attend the Institute's infamous tabletop exercise outed by Michael Shellenberger in the Twitter Files. In that story, reporters and Think Tankers use extraordinary pre-science to war game non-coverage of a potential hack-and-dump story involving Hunter Biden and Burisma. They began work on the Exercise: the "Burisma Leak", two months before the full story came out in The New York Post.

Because of Roth's presence, early chatter and embargo drafts of Commission reports appeared in the Twitter Files, and they're talking about Yoel Roth, who was the head of Site Integrity at Twitter.

Now pay attention to this part, because it's important. The Information Disorder team gathered in August 2020 to begin work. Early drafts show the team quickly strayed from disinformation to ideas for conquering racism, misogyny, poverty, even reforming journalism, proposing to adjust journalistic norms to avoid false equivalence in the pursuit of both sides and objectivity.

Complaining often about First Amendment restraints, they advocated an approach that would align with Europe's Digital Services Act, suggesting Americans wanted a "cleaner internet, even if it means losing some freedom." Okay, let's pause right here.

The first sentence of the Information Disorder team, gathered in August of 2020 to begin work is true, because Harry does confirm it in this Time 100 Special that they did with Renee DiResta, amongst others who are a part of this disinformation board. So we know that this couple had been working with this group in 2020 when they came over here. Again, this is all before the election.

The second point that I'd like to make is, let's not forget that Harry had the audacity to call our First Amendment "bonkers" and then reading this to assume that he thinks Americans would be willing to lose some of that freedom for a so-called "cleaner internet".

This should make Americans so pissed off, because this man, I mean, it's bad enough we have Americans here who think that they can speak on behalf of all of us – but we have a foreign prince here who is dictating what our rights are okay to have and not have. You know what I mean? Like, Harry doesn't speak for me or any other American on how much freedom we have on freedom of speech. Go f@ck yourself, Harry! It gets worse, folks.

This next part, many of you are going to see the penny drop for understanding why Harry and Meghan did what they did to the Royal Family.

He continues to say, they went on to issue extraordinary recommendations. Only some survived in the final published version. Ideas for punishing misinformation included demoting posts that weren't even incorrect.

Please go to Forbidden News to continue reading. 

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