Monday, May 13, 2024

Israel has caused America to go terminally insane

Editor's note: How else can it best be described? America seems to be in a chaotic meltdown under the current Biden administration and this same administration is now under attack by Zionist oligarch donors and their lackey's in the Democratic Party (and Republican for that matter) crime syndicate for Biden's refusal to ship more weapons to Israel. It is just insane and incomprehensible what is vomiting out of Washington with the psychopath Lindsey Graham "calling for Israel to nuke Gaza." Are the people in South Carolina that stupid to keep electing a psychopathic fagot? These people are now certifiably insane. And contrary to what the "media as government" is telling people, the protests against Israel on many US college campuses are peaceful (also see UCLA attackers exposed: meet the violent Zionist agitators LA police haven’t arrested). 

Israel is breaking the law with US manufactured weapons but the Ukrainians aren't? That is terminally insane. The Ukrainian terrorist maniacs using US-made rockets killed Russian civilians when they fired a rocket at Belgorod hitting a public square.

State Department Says Israel Likely Breaking Law With US Weapons But Won't Cut Aid

The US is a state sponsor of terrorism and is breaking all norms of international law:

US covering up Ukrainian terrorism – Moscow

However "Zionism" is defined or what people may know about this malignancy we must end it even if it means people getting killed. We are moving towards all out war in the Middle East being driven by religious fanatics.

ZIONISM: The Khazarian Con Of The Millennium

Israel/Gaza: The Masks Come Off in American Society

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