Thursday, May 16, 2024

Punishing American consumers for buying cheap Chinese manufactured goods

Editor's note: Does the US corproation do this intentionally to destroy the country? Sometimes that is the impression given. Who do you think is going to be paying for these higher tariffs? The Chinese won't be. You will. Note those microprocessors. The US can't find long term capable and skilled Americans to manufacture microprocessors. That spells trouble while China is going to achieve superiority. Note those solar panels. Solar panel manufacturing includes large amounts of silver. If you appreciate silver as a store of value you may want to consider. Despite the Dow blasting through 40,000 that's dressing on the corporate cake as the standard of living for Americans is going to continue to fall. Why does the US want to punish its third largest trading partner? That's like shooting yourself in the foot. What if China retaliates and slaps high tariffs on US products exported to China?


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And Russia's Vladamir Putin is absolutely correct:

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