Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Even if Ukraine is a corrupt shithole it doesn't matter, all wars are bankers wars

Editor's note: How many times does this have to be stated before people begin to understand the premise here? All wars are bankers wars. All those hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainian soldiers are none the smarter. They are cheap expendable mercenaries. The death, carnage and destruction in Ukraine is about saving the US dollar. How many of these weapons intended for the front were stolen or they simply can't be used then sold on the black market for US dollars? Joe Rogan asks, "where the f*ck did we come up with one-hundred and whatever billion dollars to send to Ukraine and we don't have any money to try to do something about these insanely impoverished crime ridden drug ridden communities?" The ex-aid to Boris Johnson is correct, "Ukraine is a corrupt shithole."

Where the F*ck Did We Come Up With $100 Billion For Zelensky?

Ukrainian Corruption Center reports northern border defense funds were diverted to fake companies, letting Russians walk right across border in new Kharkiv offensive

by Thomas Stevenson | May 14, 2024

Head of the Mezha Anti-Corruption Center, Martyna Bohuslavets, has written a report in Pravda asking "Where are the fortifications?" She reports that millions of dollars that were intended for the construction of fortifications in Ukraine were instead "transferred to Kharkiv OVA to front companies of avatars." 

Bohuslavets said the Ukrainian Kharkiv Regional Military Administration (Kharkiv OVA) paid out funds to fictitious companies during the construction and fortification of the Kharkiv region. The report comes as Russian forces have broken into the northern region of Ukraine and the US continues funding the war. 

According to Ukranian Pravda reports, the Russian military has begun to advance in the northern region of Ukraine where funding that was set for fortification was transferred to fake companies. The offensive from the Russian military launched on Monday with attacks on towns and villages, the Kyiv Post reports. A total of 7 billion hryvnias was spent there by Ukraine, according to the report.

This comes as the BBC reports that a regional Ukrainian commander in Kharkiv has said that the first line of defense was missing in a massive "betrayal" in the northern region of the country. Denys Yaroslavskyi, a commander in the region in charge of the Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit, told the outlet, "There was no first line of defence. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any mined fields."

He told the BBC that government officials claimed to have built up the mines as the first line of defense at a huge cost. He told reporters, "Either it was an act of negligence, or corruption. It wasn't a failure. It was a betrayal." He then added, "When we were fighting back for this territory in 2022, we lost thousands of people. We risked our lives."

Please go to Human Events to continue reading.

More dirt on Ukraine:

Blinken hopes you won't find out that Ukrainian officials got rich using our tax dollars to invest in fake companies

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