Thursday, May 9, 2024

Palestinians deserve a genocide remembrance day

Editor's note: In addition to an " International Holocaust Remembrance Day", America now gets a "October 7th Rememberance Curriculum". America is concquered territory. The name of "America" should be changed to "AIPAC". This is just astonsihing and is in our faces: American high school students are going to be taught "10/7 was the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust." Do Americans realize that in Canada, jews were involved in another anti-Semitic hate crime hoax with a jew torching his own synagogue in Toronto while other jews were in it? Are we supposed to think the IDF are under restraint when they are fighting in Gaza when clearly they are committing acts of barbarity on Palestinians?  Once again, this demonstrates AIPAC has a plan for Israel not in America's favor. The ADL is running American policy on jews and Israel while the US Congress is an extension of AIPAC with the Jewish Josh Gottheimer who helped write this "bill." The ADL has perfected the science of hate. 

AIPAC-Funded Congressmen Push for 'October 7th Remembrance Curriculum' to be Taught in Schools

By Chris Menahan | May 8, 2024

A bipartisan pair of AIPAC-funded congressmen are pushing a new bill to create an "October 7th remembrance curriculum" to be taught in high schools across America. 

"I am proud to introduce new bipartisan legislation with @RepSteel to create an October 7th remembrance curriculum," Rep Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), who is funded by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, said. 

"10/7 was the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust," he added. "By teaching about that awful day and the hate that followed, we can combat surging antisemitism."  

The bill is co-sponsored by Michelle Steel (R-CA), who is also funded by AIPAC.

The bill directs the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum "to create a curriculum to teach about the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel," Jewish Insider reports:
The USHMM already produces Holocaust education materials for use by schools across the country. The Oct. 7 curriculum would be targeted toward secondary schools.

The bill requests that the new curriculum include information on the Oct. 7 attack; how the history of antisemitism contributed to the attack; the spread of antisemitism and anti-Israel rhetoric on campuses; the spread of anti-Israel rhetoric on social media; and "denial and distortion as a form of antisemitism in the wake of such attacks."

The bill defines antisemitism based on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's working definition of antisemitism and its contemporary examples, which have become controversial on portions of the left and right especially in the wake of a House vote last week on a separate antisemitism bill.

It also asks the Department of Education to report to the Congress on the curriculum.

"Hamas's barbaric October 7th terrorist attack on Israel and the resulting tsunami of antisemitic incidents have transformed Jewish lives around the world," Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement. "In an era when ADL data is showing a historic rise in antisemitism, education is more critical than ever to understand and curb this perennial hate."
This was clearly written to overlap with the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which Gottheimer helped write.

Please go to Information Liberation to continue reading.

The Antisemitism Awareness Act:

Retired US General Mark Milley prefers Israel over America. Would Milley also approve Americans going to the Middle East to die in a war against Islam for Israel? The US corporate military is expendable to the financial empire: witness how it has been assaulted with injectable Covid bioweapons. Let the bagel boys fight their own wars.

The US is not a republic anymore--it is a corrupt uniparty oligarchy sliding towards totalitarianism. Its foreign policy and media are controlled by the state of Israel and Zionist lobby including AIPAC deeply embedded inside US institutions and organizations, which is based on a broad foundation of a Christian Zionist population in the US. It is time Americans de-Scofield their networks. Only duped faux "Christians" would be snookered into fighting Jewy mob wars for them. Thinning the herd, as it were. With the internet revolution in full swing, there's no excuse for ignorance any longer.

Here is another reason why the US will be dragged into a new crusade in the Middle East against Islam. Islamic "terrorists" are assassinating and capturing Mossad operatives all over the place. The most recent in Egypt.

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