Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Many young Iranians are celebrating toasting the death of Ebrahim Raisi

Editor's note: What country except Iran flies their president and foreign minister on the same helicopter to a country where it is known the Mossad are crawling all over the place? Sometimes you just have to wonder if this was coordinated at the highest levels of Iran and Israel to knock this Islamic hardliner off. There are dissidents in Iran celebrating the death of Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi (known as the "butcher of Tehran"). There are thousands of young Iranians who do not like it in the least their country is ruled by hardline Islamic rulers. This guy was involved in the mass execution of thousands of Iranians in the 1980s and later presided over a brutal crackdown on anti-government protests during the 80s. Remember a few years back during protests in Tehran Iranian state security put a bullet into the chest of a beautiful young Iranian girl to incite the crowd? Nobody can forget that scene. They even had a camera close to the girl to film it the instant she was hit. For the sake of the millions of young Iranians who want to break free from the primitive constraints of hardline Muslim rulers who gives a shit if this guy was assassinated. Why is the west giving sympathy and condolences to Iran?

Raisi's Death: Iran Harasses Dissidents to Stifle Celebrations

May 22, 2024 | By Azadeh Akbari

Amid funeral ceremonies for President Ebrahim Raisi, Iranian authorities are cracking down on the families of dissidents celebrating his death, issuing threats and making arrests.

This week, following the helicopter crash that killed both Iran's president and foreign minister, Iranians across the country reacted by celebrating the demise of the two men. 

In exclusive conversations with Iran International's English desk, the families of slain protesters and survivors blinded during the 2022 anti-regime protests in Iran, are expressing relief, joy, and what they say is their renewed resolve to continue to fight for justice and freedom in Iran. 

The unprecedented nationwide protests, dubbed the "Woman Life Freedom" movement, were sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Jina Amini at the hands of Iran’s so-called morality police. The months-long demonstrations were said to be the biggest challenge to Iran's clerical leaders in decades.

While Raisi was president, under the directive of Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, the protests were met with severe crackdowns, and the state's security forces killed at least 500 protesters and imprisoned tens of thousands.

Families of protesters and dissidents have since faced surveillance, threats and intimidation by the authorities to prevent them from speaking out about the fate of their loved ones.

'Stop celebrating Raisi's death, or we will kill your other nephews too'

The family of 17-year-old Artin Rahmani Piyani, one of the children killed in the Iranian security forces’ crackdown on protests in 2022, was among those targeted by the authorities this week.

Celebrating the news of Raisi's death, Foad Choobin, the teenager's uncle, shared videos on X of his nephew Piyani dancing.

Piyani's mother, Hengameh Choobin similarly posted a video of her son laughing, with the caption "We are feeling better”.

On Tuesday, Foad Choobin revealed that the intelligence ministry contacted him with a warning: they would kill his remaining nephews and nieces if his family, including Piyani’s mother, continued to post content celebrating the President’s death.

"We didn't have a single day of happiness… Now, with Raisi's death, we feel a little better... but in my view, a murderer who took the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people had a very easy death," Foad Choobin said.

Foad Choobin had previously been arbitrarily arrested, tortured, and imprisoned by Iranian authorities in an effort to silence the family for speaking out about his nephew's killing.

"I will not be silenced and I am determined to continue the path of seeking justice for my nephew Artin, and all those killed by the state and all those silenced," Choobin said.

Although Choobin said he is rejoicing over Raisi’s death, he knows that the President was "just one of the executioners of the Islamic Republic regime."

"I want to see the moment of the demise of all of the murderers in the Islamic Republic in front of our own eyes, just as they took our dear ones' lives in front of our eyes. The Islamic Republic regime must be destroyed altogether so that we can feel truly joyful,” he said.

Other family members of protest victims were arrested by security forces.

On Monday, Reza Babrnejad was arrested by security forces in the northeastern city of Quchan, for allegedly posting Instagram stories about Raisi's death.

Babrnejad's brother, 22-year-old Mehdi Babrnejad, who was killed by the Iranian state's security forces amid the September 2022 protests.

Dadban, an organization offering pro-bono legal support to Iranian dissidents, says Babrnejad’s mother confronted the authorities when they detained her son.

"Your president is dead? Weren't our children human? Why did you kill them?" his mother reportedly told the security forces.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC) intelligence agents also targeted Babrnejad in 2023, around the time that would have marked his brother Mehdi's 23rd birthday.

This arrest, like that of Foad Choobin, was part of a broader crackdown aimed at silencing victims' families, through harassment and intimidation, to prevent them from commemorating their loved ones.

Exiled relatives of protesters rejoice over Raisi's sudden death

Relatives of protesters outside of Iran similarly rejoiced over the sudden death of President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian.

Mahsa Pirayi (Piraei), who fled Iran after her 62-year-old mother Minoo Majidi was killed during the protests, told Iran International that Raisi's death brings her renewed determination.

"All of us—the justice-seeking families of victims—are happy that the murderers of our loved ones and the criminals who restricted the Iranian nation were killed. We are more determined than ever to continue our advocacy and be the voice of our loved ones until we reach absolute victory and freedom!," she said.

Sharing a video on X, Pirayi and her sister Roya Pirayi toasted to the news of the missing helicopter carrying the President and Foreign Minister.

The sister of slain protestor Shahriar Mohammadi, Asrin Mohammadi, says the news of Raisi's death brought deep joy to her household.

"We were extremely happy. It felt as if Shahriar had come back to life…I woke up everyone in the house singing 'Wake up, wake up, it's a party and it smells like barbecue but hold your nose because the barbecue smells like sludge'," she told Iran International.

Please go to Iran Intl to continue reading.

Iran delayed reporting the likely assassination because the two escort helicopters probably saw how the helicopter Raisi was flying on was hit or taken down. This would mean the Iranian Islamic leadership might have been faced with the dilemma on whether or not to "attack Israel" in retaliation:

What the hell is going on here?

It will be interesting to see how Russia reacts or to what extent Russia will become involved in the investigation of Raisi's helicopter going down:


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