Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Vote for yourself

Editor's note: Alright then, if the US subject citizens registered as corporate property when they were birth certified are "waking up and no longer buy the lies", then why would they vote for US corporate executives who betray them? "Elected representatives" work for the US corporation as executives and its federally subcontracted corporations and not the American people? That makes no sense whatsoever. What does it mean to be "woken up and no longer accepting of lies?" Aren't lies a good thing then? It means you are being put to the test: figure out the lies. When you get this all figured out and that you are "unrepresented property", there can only be one option: Return your political status back to the land then create state assemblies. Then you create your own new existence where all of us are equal (prey) and not tied to this predator and prey ecosphere of the destructive corporate (predator) state. Voting isn't going to change a damn thing. If you are an "unrepresented majority" then represent yourself. Vote for yourself so that these corporate executives voted for become extinct. Walk away from this corporate feudalistic techno fascist gulag. All the political circumstances discussed in the following article are all operating under the US corporation. It's the predator and prey ecosystem: power, money and greed.

The American People Are an Unrepresented Majority

By Paul Craig Roberts | May 21, 2024

During my life what I have observed is that Republicans define patriotism largely in terms of opposition to foreign enemies. This was most pronounced during the long Cold War with the Soviet Union. It is certainly true that we need to be on our guard against foreign enemies, but we must not be so much on guard that we create enemies where they don't exist or refuse to defuse tensions and replace hostile relationships with cooperative ones as President John F. Kennedy said he intended to do before he was assassinated and as President Trump intended to do before he was prevented by Russiagate allegations.

Republican and conservative focus on foreign enemies risks their blindness to the Constitution's many enemies at home, including the enemies of freedom in the executive branch, Congress, media, university faculties, and the judiciary who regard the US Constitution as a racist document that serves white supremacy and must be overthrown. This is the explicit position of the New York Times and many law schools, as well as the position of the Democrat Party and many federal judges appointed during Democrat regimes. 

The reason democracy has failed in the United States is that those who provide large campaign donations are permitted to purchase the government. Among those who purchase our government, two are extremely influential: the military/security complex and the Israel Lobby. I still remember the day when Senator Strom Thurmond, the longest serving US Senator, on the floor of the US Senate tapped me, a Senate staffer, on the shoulder and told me, "son don't ever let your Senator vote against a military bill or he won't be here next term and you will be out of a job." 

It wasn’t long afterwards that I learned that voting against any bill favored by Israel was also a termination of service vote.

We see the proof of this again today. Biden threatened for public relations effect only to withhold US weapons supply to Israel if Israel continues its barbaric attacks on the civilian population of Gaza. Instantly, Republicans called for the impeachment of Biden.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton accused Biden of surrendering to "pro-Hamas agitators" and halting the flow of US weapons Israel needs to exterminate the Palestinians. To be clear, a "pro-Hamas agitator," is a person with a moral conscience who objects to the genocide of Palestine and its people by the Zionist Israeli state in the hands of the indicted criminal Netanyahu who has minority support even within Israel.

House Republican Cory Mills is drafting an impeachment against Biden, not for actually withholding arms form Israel, but for threatening to withhold them if Israel continues to use them to slaughter women and children and to drive Palestinians out of Palestine.

Kash Patel, a Republican who is constantly appealing to us for support, damns Biden for threatening to cease supporting Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people.

Another Republican, Rep. Jim Banks, jumped in accusing Biden of giving in to genocide protesters on university campuses.

We are confronted with an extraordinary situation. Democrats, who believe white America needs to be replaced, have more sympathy for Palestinians than do Republicans, who are determined to protect Israel but not white Americans who have been relegated to second class citizenship. See

It is extraordinary that Israel can easily use the US Government to protect its genocide of Palestine, but white American citizens cannot use their own government to protect them from being replaced by immigrant-invaders.

As corporate subject citizens birth certified and registered as property this is how you are kept on the corporate fascist plantation as debt slaves. In a predator and prey ecosphere, who's reality do you live in that wasn't created by you. If you object what alternative reality or ecosphere will you create after you break away? Voting in this current corporate overlay is literally voting for economic and financial terrorism against you. Why are you participating and voting for US executives in a corporate ecosphere with absolutely no transparency you didn't create and have absolutely no control over?

15 Classic, "Textbook" Cult-Indoctrination Techniques the Organized Crime "Government" Uses on its Tax Slaves

This isn't an elected representative of the people of California. This is a vetted corporate executive working for the interests of the corporate state and not the voting public of California. The only subject citizen birth certified debt slaves who voted for this US corporate executive are those private interests who can manipulate and financially benefit from his corporate election:

Israel is another imperial British-created corporate fascist state that most US elected and voted for executives support when they vote for or make decisions on concerning Israel. Corporations don't "commit crimes." Corporations operate as businesses in this predator and prey ecosphere. Think of the thousands of people that have exerted enormous energy, time, money and effort protesting and in opposition to Israel when they could be instead creating their own creative ecosphere by voting for themselves?

Here are more examples you are birth certified subject citizen corporate property. When that property becomes a risk or a liability then as corporate property you are simply discarded as being economically expendable. Do not make the mistake of thinking this is your government. It's not. The CDC is a US federally subcontracted private corporation in business to sell drugs. How many American birth certified subject citizens given privileges voted for an elected US executive congress or senate member who encouraged them to take the Covid injections? 

How does this expenditure of $756 million by the US corporation directly benefit the American birth certified subject citizen? It is not the United States of America. It is the United States of Lockheed Martin.

As birth certified US subject citizen debt slaves, you are surety for this debt as China dumps $53 billion in US securities. In California alone, the fed and state automatically remove one-third of the salaries every month on single employees for taxes. That's slavery. A tax on labor. 

Global Bankers Are Suddenly Worried About The Soaring US National Debt

Why is this outrageous? The US corporation has no responsibility to the American people - unless they serve the US corporation. The US corporation with its hundreds of federally subcontracted corporations can get these peasant debt slaves (tax revenue) up to speed as more debt slaves who vote for executives who will only continue the policies of the US corporation that don't serve the American people.

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